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Charlie's Dress

Charlie's Dress

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June 28th, 2019

"Oh my my." Liv fans her face as Charlie walks into her bedroom.

"Hey." Charlie grins, putting her bag down on her best friends bed before turning to look at herself in her mirror.

"If you don't get laid tonight, I'm personally telling your boyfriend off." Liv beams, Charlie rolling her eyes at the girl playfully.

"I'm half and half on this part." Charlie responds, moving the neckline of her dress about before Liv slaps her wrist.

"Leave it, you look gorgeous." Liv warns her before Charlie helps her curl her hair. Once the two were done, they made their way downstairs and both downed a shot of Vodka each before stuffing a bottle of it in their bags. They make their way out of Liv's house and down to the Mills' home, a grin on their faces the entire time.

"Tom's coming for you." Charlie giggles as Liv's boyfriend appears in a moment of seconds. Charlie leaves the two of them alone, going inside of the house to be greeted by Tilly.

"You're so pretty." Tilly grins as Charlie hugs her tightly. Tilly grabs her hand and leads her outside to where Max, Harvey, Dobby, Emily, Jess and Freya were, Max looking over at the door considering he thought it was his mum.

"And that's how you know Charlie's got confidence." Jess says as she laughs.

"And here's where Max snogs her for fifteen minutes." Harvey teases as the boy makes his way to his girlfriend, pulling her into his side with a grin. After minutes of teasing, Liv and Tom rejoin them and they all decide to get photos with one another. Max, Charlie, Jess and Harvey all got a photo together, Max trying his hardest to make it look like him and Charlie weren't close so people didn't think anything of it.

"Alright, we're going." Freya says as everyone begins making their way out of the house and to the school.

"You look... breathtaking." Max whispers in Charlie's ear as they walk side by side, not holding hands in case any Millsies were around.

"Why thank you." Charlie grins as they reach the school. Charlie and Max get their photo taken on the 'red carpet' before making their way inside.

"Max, word of warning love, if you don't smash her brains out later, I will." Liv jokes as Charlie goes wide-eyed.

"Liv keep it in your pants." Tom laughs as he pulls his girlfriend away from the couple.

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