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Charlie's Outfit

Charlie's Outfit

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November 30th, 2019

"I'm so pissed off with you." Charlie huffs at her older brother sitting beside her.

"Okay, how is this my fault?" Joey responds, rolling his eyes at her.

"How is it your fault? You're the one who went day drinking and snapped their ankle in half." Charlie retorts angrily.

"Oh, so you're blaming me for accidentally falling over the curb?" Joey huffs himself, sitting up properly.

"Uh, yeah, I am. Watch where your fucking walking." Charlie pushes his shoulder, resting her head on her hand. Today was the one day she promised Max she'd be there, no matter the circumstances, but when she received a call from Joey saying he needed to go to hospital, Charlie had to leave Liv, Tom and Dobby and go help her brother. She knew Max would be upset with her, but she never ever put anyone before her family, and he knew that so well.

"Oh quit whining, Max can fuck you another day." Joey seethes.

"That's not the point Joey, it's the fucking final and you ruined my entire night by being a stupid idiot. God I wonder why I ever actually decided to come help you." Charlie argues, people around them sitting in silence so they could listen to their argument.

"Oh boohoo, he can't get annoyed at you for family shit Charlie." Joey rolls his eyes once more before his name is called. Charlie helps him walk to the doctors office to get his foot checked out, the boy ending up having to have a cast and crutches until it was healed.

"This is just great." Joey whines as he walks beside Charlie using the crutches.

"You deserve it." Charlie shrugs, the two of them walking down the dark streets of Berkshire.

"Still mad at me? Seriously?" Joey groans in pain as she looks at him.

"I'm just gonna stop speaking to you now before I snap your other ankle." Charlie shrugs before they finally make it home. She unlocks the door and lets him in first, the 19 year old boy struggling making his way to his room with his foot and the crutches. Charlie didn't bother helping him, the girl too upset to even care that her brother could potentially fall down the stairs and snap another bone. She was sat on the kitchen counter staring at her phone, knowing Max had seen her message and not bothered to reply made her even more upset.

Instead of moping about, she decided to do something about it. She had texted Sara whilst she was at the hospital to tell her what had happened and why she wasn't there. Of course, Sara was understanding and had told Charlie to wait at their house for Max when he returned home.

"Joey, I'm going out, if you need anything then do it yourself." Charlie calls from the bottom of the attic stairs. He shouted something in return but she was too far away to have heard it, the girl in her room changing into some comfy clothes before she made her way downstairs. She made sure to feed Parker before leaving the house, going down the street to the Mills' house to wait for everyone to get back. She found the spare key almost right away, making her way inside where Freddie and Pippa greeted her happily.

She cuddled the dogs for what felt like hours, when in retrospect it was just 5 minutes. Charlie made sure to lock the door behind her before making her way up both flights of stairs to Max's room which was warm and cosy as per usual. She sat and waited in his room for over an hour, watching the last of the show she wasn't there for.

She smiles to herself when she hears the family come in, the girl deciding to scare Max right before he made it upstairs. She hid behind the door as he got to the top floor, him and Harvey congratulating one another happily before Max walked into his room.

"Boo." Charlie jumps out, scaring Max half to death. He was sat on the floor in shock, Charlie laughing at his reaction which caused Harvey, Tilly and Leo to wonder what had happened.

"Got'cha." Sara smiles as she and Charlie high-five.

"How long have you been there?" Max questions as she holds her hand out for him.

"I've been in here for over an hour, but I've been behind the door for about a minute." Charlie smiles, helping the boy up off the floor.

"Mum explained what happened, I didn't mean to ignore your message either, we were just about to go on stage so I had to give my phone to Dobby." Max apologises as she shrugs.

"It's fine, don't worry." She responds before Tilly and Leo both hug her.

"Congratulations guys." Charlie smiles, hugging Harvey tightly before hugging Max.

"We didn't win." Max responds as she shrugs.

"That doesn't matter, you guys have done amazingly." Charlie retorts, her boyfriend smiling at her. Once everyone had left the upstairs, Max shut his door and wrapped his arms around Charlie tightly, not wanting to let go of her. She didn't mind the extended time Max kept adding to the hug, the two of them happy in one another's presence.

"What did Joey do?" Max asks as Charlie rolls her eyes.

"Fell over a curb and broke his ankle like a moron." Charlie responds as both sit down on his bed.

"So you're telling me you broke your fingers and a good 6 weeks later, he breaks his foot?" Max laughs as she nods.

"To be fair, my fingers are fine now but I have to keep this on 'till next Saturday." Charlie says, moving her fingers in the bandage.

"Liv was so upset you weren't there you know, she told me your outfit was 'bomb'." Max quotes her, causing Charlie to laugh.

"That's what I was wearing." She shows him the photos she had taken with Liv, Max looking at them in sadness.

"You look great in anything so it makes no difference." Max shrugs as she laughs.

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