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Charlie's Outfit

Charlie's Outfit

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August 7th, 2019

"I hate boys." Liv huffs as she slams the front door of Charlie's house angrily. Charlie furrowed her eyebrows as she popped her head into the hallway, looking at her best friend who'd 100% been crying and had at least been crying for 25 minutes.

"Woah, what the hell happened?" Charlie wonders as Liv walks into the kitchen with her. She sits across from Charlie, banging her head on the marble countertop in anger whilst Charlie made them both a hot chocolate.

"I hate boys." Liv repeats as Charlie hands her the mug of tea. Charlie sits across from her and lets her wallow in sadness for a few minutes until she is ready to talk about it.

"I'm gonna guess this is to do with Tom." Charlie asks, watching Liv nod.

"Tell me what happened." Charlie continues, the two of them sipping their drinks at the same time.

"So, you know, Mum lifted the ban on him staying over, so I invited him over for the night. I went upstairs to get something, and he was sitting in the living room with Isaac, next thing I know Isaac's giving him a pat on the back. Obviously I'm confused considering Isaac doesn't like him, then my Dad shouts me downstairs and starts screaming at me because he told them I wasn't a fucking virgin." Liv cries as Charlie facepalms.

"Now he's banned from staying at mine forever and I'm the disappointment of the family for having sex before marriage." Liv continues to cry as Charlie moves to sit beside her, comforting her best friend as she cries.

"Why don't we go into town to take your mind off it? We could get TGI's." Charlie suggests as Liv smiles, not being able to fight it off.

"Can I use your Mascara?" Liv asks as Charlie nods. She washes their cups as Liv applies her mascara upstairs, Charlie putting on her black supreme hat, backwards, just as Liv comes downstairs.

"TGI's here we come." Liv parties as the girls leave her house. Charlie feels her phone buzz in her pocket, the girl getting it out to see a message from Max.


I'm gonna assume you're siding with Liv?

He does realise her parents are
EXTREMELY Catholic right?

She should've told them tbf

Alright, you tell my parents that I'm not a virgin, I will literally watch my father kill you in front of my eyes

That's different

how is that different?


She puts her phone back in her pocket after turning the ringer off, the girls reaching TGI's within the next fifteen minutes. They get their 'usual' table and both order what they normally get just as Charlie looks up and notices the four boys walk in.

"Looks like we had the same idea." Charlie mutters as the boys walk past them and sit on the table behind. Charlie and Max were back to back, Liv being able to see the back of Tom's head very well from the other side of the table. Harvey and Dobby were on 'lookout' per say, the two of them basically looking out to see if the girls were talking about the whole situation.

"Niall Horan needs to make a comeback." Charlie says as Liv laughs.

"He does, I wanna meet him again." Liv smiles as Charlie tucks her hair behind her ears.

"I think meeting Niall Horan was the best day of 2018, I'm not gonna lie." Charlie obviously lies, knowing her favourite day of that particular year was her and Max getting together.

"Who doesn't love Niall Horan?" Liv questions just as their food comes out.

"Ooo, Charlie, he gave you his number." Liv giggles as she picks up the card.

"There's two, one's from the blonde who seated us, and it's for you." Charlie grins at her best friend, handing over the number.

"I bet they're like 24." Liv laughs.

"Probably." Charlie beams. The two of them begin eating their meal, having a conversation about their favourite celeb encounters, both of them agreeing that meeting Niall Horan was their favourite.

"I don't know, meeting all of One Direction accidentally was a good one." Charlie intervenes as Liv's eyes widen.

"Wait, I forgot about that." Liv responds, causing Charlie to laugh.

Meanwhile on the boys' table, the four of them were in a deep conversation about music and a few other random things. Harvey had heard Charlie laughing loudly, the boy looking at the table to see both of them nearly dying of laughter at something they'd seen. Tom was starting to realise that what he did earlier on wasn't actually a good thing, and was beginning to come up with his apology in his head. As soon as he'd finished his meal, he stood up and moved around the table, sitting down beside Charlie.

"Oh, hello." Charlie looks at him as he looks at her.

"Can I speak to Liv, alone?" Tom asks as she rolls her eyes.

"I guess." She responds, moving from her seat. She looks at the three boys, Max hopeful she'd sit with them but instead she went to the bathrooms to wash her hands. Once she had, she scrolled through Instagram to see a few Millsie's getting pictures with the boys earlier on before noticing an edit someone had made of Max that made her heart melt. She liked it, putting her phone back in her pocket before making her way out of the bathroom. She sits down beside Max, knowing Liv and Tom were still talking it out so she left them to it.

"Hm, hey Thompson." Dobby grins as she looks at him.

"Hello Dobson." She replies with a similar smile. She feels Max's hand on her thigh, the girl looking over at him to see an apologetic look on his face. Charlie moves his hand and slips hers into it, the two of them sitting together in comfortable silence whilst the couple behind them talk it out.


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