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Charlie's Outfit

Charlie's Outfit

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December 24th, 2019

"Happy 1 year!" Liv cheers over the phone, causing Charlie to laugh.

"He's not here yet silly." Charlie responds as she finishes curling her hair.

"How early did you sleep last night?" Liv questions as Charlie thinks for a second.

"I think I fell asleep on the sofa at around 7 then got into bed at 9." Charlie responds, making sure her hair looks nice before she slips on her yellow cardigan and tying it up.

"Yes, you look fucking sexy." Liv grins as Emily joins the facetime.

"Ooh la la, look at you." Emily compliments as Charlie laughs.

"I'm unsure about shoes, Nike Air Forces or Converse?" Charlie questions the girls, both respond with Nike Air Forces. She slips them on and ties them up, grabbing her jacket and purse from the back of the door.

"I bet Max shows up in tracksuit pants with no bag, he'll 100% use Charlie's." Tom says in the background of Emily's call.

"It wouldn't surprise me." Charlie responds with a shrug. She puts a few things she needed into her bag before picking up her phone, the girl making her way downstairs with her jacket on.

"Have a good day, don't get murdered." Jace jokes as she looks at him.

"Wow, what a lovely thing to say to your own daughter." Charlie laughs as the two girls on her facetime laugh too.

"Enjoy being in London, and be careful." Elizabeth warns her, watching her daughter nod. Charlie ends the facetime to Liv and Emily minutes after Max showed up, the two of them sharing a sweet moment together in the hallway before Joey gets downstairs.

"No sex on the train." Joey warns, making both laugh.

"Go cripple elsewhere." Charlie flips him off before the couple leave the house.

"You look gorgeous, like you genuinely show me up way too often." Max compliments her as they walk hand-in-hand down the road to the train station.

"Thank you love. You look great too." Charlie returns the compliment as they reach the train station. He snakes his arms around her waist, resting his head on top of hers as they wait for the train to show up. Neither were arsed about Millsie's following them or photographing them today, they just wanted to spend their anniversary together and forget the world around them for just today.

"Happy 1 year." Max whispers in her ear, watching her smile softly.

"Happy 1 year." She returns, pressing a kiss to his cheek before their train arrives.

The entire train ride there was spent with the both of them scrolling through Charlie's Tik Tok feed, taking selfies together, one in particular Charlie had to post on snapchat for her friends to see because she thought it was the best one they had taken. Max was sporting a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and his Man United shirt along with a black jacket and his supreme hat. Charlie was surprised he was wearing jeans before realising Sara probably told him to change this morning so he didn't look 'underdressed'. When the two eventually arrived in London, Max took Charlie's hand in his sweetly before leading them to a Nandos.

"Of course, I'm not surprised." Charlie laughs as they're seated.

"It's the easy option for us both, we both enjoy it." Max smiles as she feels her phone buzz. When Max goes up to order she looks at her messages, deciding to turn off her phone for the rest of the day so she doesn't keep looking at it. She slips it into her back pocket and takes her jacket off, pulling the sleeves of her yellow cardigan down before Max returns.

"Right, you genuinely need to stop showing me up now, it's not funny anymore." Max warns his girlfriend as she laughs.

"It's a good job I only have eyes for you Mills." She responds, watching him smile proudly.

The two of them enjoy their meal in a full conversation, going on about college and personal lives, a few things they'd missed talking about whilst she was gone and whilst he was busy with X-Factor. She tells him about her upcoming assignment for Media which is to watch one of her favourite films of all time and analyse the ideologies etc. Max was more than happy to watch it with her after seeing how excited she got over her all time favourite film, which is The Karate Kid. He would always tease her for knowing every word of by heart, but deep down he found it cute and endearing.

"So, what did you have in mind for us to do now?" Max asks as Charlie grins, paying for her and Max's meal without him knowing.

"You'll see." She giggles, the two of them leaving Nandos hand-in-hand. He glanced at her every so often, the girl navigating her way to the Ice Skating rink pretty easily and when they arrived, Max looked mortified.

"I'm glad Harvey isn't here." He admits before she walks up to the front to get their skates.

"Quite a size contrast there huh?" The worker says as she grabs Charlie's Size 6 skates.

"He's practically bigfoot." Charlie retorts, both laughing before she hands Max his skates. She puts her things in one of the lockers, Max doing the same before they tie their skates onto their feet.

"Can you even ice skate?" Max questions, watching Charlie shake her head.

"Oh this should be fun." Max laughs as she stands up, Max following suit. Once the two of them were on the ice, it was pure chaos. Charlie had slipped on her bum three times in the space of 15 minutes, Max was laughing at her each time but also ended up doing the same thing. Once both finally got the jist of it, Charlie was skating around the rink without falling and had adapted quickly, Max on the other hand was still slipping and sliding everywhere. Charlie helped Max off the rink after their time ran out, the two of them putting their shoes and jackets back on.

Max slipped his hand in hers once more as they made their way down a quiet London street, the lights glowing brightly. Max took the opportunity to take some photos of Charlie for her Instagram, the boy staring at her in adoration previously. They spent the rest of the evening walking around London talking about everything under the sun before making their way back to the train station.

Max wraps his arms around her waist again, resting his head on top of hers as the warmth radiates from her onto him. The two stood in a comfortable silence as they waited for the train, both wallowing in their thoughts before it showed up.

"I love you." Max smiles as he sits beside her, Charlie's back against the train wall and her legs crossed in front of her as she faces Max.

"I love you too." Charlie responds as he brings his hand up to her ear, tucking her hair behind it. She feels her cheeks heat up as he looks at her, the boy letting her know she was everything he could ever want without actually saying it.

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