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Three days after the terrible incident, Taehyung was finally able to see the family calm down again. He was so worried about Hyeyoon. Because the young vampire still often gets warnings from Sohan. Even Taehyung was barely allowed to play with him anymore.

But Taehyung knows himself. They are like that because of their deeds too. Taehyung is still thankful that Hyeyoon can return to greet him without the slightest scar.

This time Taehyung just accompanied the family to eat quietly. Jeongguk sat beside him. And even Seokjin joined in. Sit near Namjoon. From what he saw it seemed that the two vampires were close.

Taehyung glanced down as Jeongguk, who was finished with his meal, clasped his hand under the table.

More and more Taehyung found himself obeying. Three days of silence by Jeongguk even though he was not completely silent somehow made him uncomfortable. Until when they touched, he felt he had to grab the young man.

"Can I play with Taehyung after this?" Hyeyoon's voice broke the silence.

Taehyung turned his head quickly. Observing the expressions of Sohan and Hyesun. Both of them seemed still traumatized maybe. But knowing that Hyeyoon won't repeat his mistake again— One nod Sohan gave.

"Thank you." Hyeyoon said happy. Looking at Taehyung with a big smile.

Taehyung smiled unconsciously.

So with that breakfast is over. Taehyung left with Jeongguk and Hyeyoon.

"Remember— Don't act up." Was a warning from Jeongguk when the Origin vampire left Taehyung with Hyeyoon in Alpha's room.

Taehyung was still watching the closed door when he got a hug. Hyeyoon stroked his stomach. If you look at it it looks like they will become brothers and sisters who get along well later.

"I'm sorry, Taehyung."

But again Hyeyoon spoke gloomily. Taehyung doesn't like it.  Hyeyoon seemed to be quiet.

"Stop. You make me uncomfortable if it continues like this." Taehyung hissed.

Hyeyoon's weirdness was heard. But Taehyung sure the girl's face is still gloomy.

"Hey— Let me show you something. Sit down and close your eyes." Taehyung said suddenly.

Hyeyoon raised a confused eyebrow. But then he sat down on the edge of the mattress and closed her eyes obediently.

Taehyung snorted. He took off his shirt. Dropping the soft cloth before calling out the wolf. Changing his body so that when Alpha's thick fur and huge body were completely transformed— Taehyung almost cursed when his backward motion accidentally crashed into the table. Makes a heavy grunt out.

The tip of Taehyung's nose then sniffed the girl's forehead.

Hyeyoon choked up. Shining with pleasure and hugging his neck just like that.

Taehyung's tail even swung too. Until accidentally dropped the vase. Luckily it didn't break.

Hyeyoon chuckled. "You don't seem to be able to move much. Come here—" The girl directed him to get closer to the wider side near his bed.

Taehyung obeyed. Take careful steps.

"Even if it's uncomfortable, but we could just see your form here. If only there was no thought to take you out. Tsk." The vampire muttered.

Right. If only they had tried first.

In fact, sometimes you need to have bad luck just so you can learn to be more careful.

The two of them ended up with the Alpha sleeping on the clean floor of the room. Lean his head on the bed. Meanwhile, Hyeyoon persisted— Stroking the wolf's fur and belly in front of him.

Taehyung just let it be. It even swings its tail occasionally. Just stay quiet when Hyeyoon who is tired of talking finally sleeps with her head leaning on his upper body. The Alpha even bent its legs into comfort before closing its eyes too.

It's been a long time Taehyung hasn't slept in his wolf form. Hyeyoon's little hands that were still on his belly felt comfortable. Makes him subconsciously participate in smooth breathing. Fell asleep.

It shouldn't be— But Taehyung was actually getting comfortable.

Hyesun walked hand in hand with Seokjin. In the middle of busy discussing how Taehyung's content was when the second step stopped to find Jeongguk's figure staring silently at Taehyung's door.


But the vampire first raised his index finger in front of his lips. Stop saying that graceful woman.

Hyesun snorted. But still continuing his steps followed by Seokjin's figure.

The mouth that opened in surprise was the sight of the two vampires who had just joined Jeongguk's figure.

"Is that Taehyung?" Seokjin is talking this time. Keeping her voice is nothing more than a light whisper. Staring enthusiastically at the big wolf where Hyeyoon slept.

Jeongguk nodded. His eyes flashed. There was a warm gaze from her sharp net.

As a mother figure— Of course Hyesun understands.

"Wolf Taehyung is so pretty. No wonder Hyeyoon likes him." Hyesun said.

Jeongguk seems to turn to his mother.

"Too bad he's not a vampi re. "Hyesun added. But still with a smile.

"Either Taehyung is Alpha or he is a vampire. Taehyung is Taehyung."

Jeongguk's words sounded like the whisper of the night breeze. His tone was cold but able to bring satisfaction to hear it.

"And Taehyung is the person who first caught your heart."

This time Hyesun's voice was heard in the son's head.

The vampire suddenly fell silent staring at his mother.

"You're guilty of putting your heart on a wolf. But you're right not to force Taehyung to be your best man."

Jeongguk seemed stunned for a moment.

"We better go before making Taehyung wake up." Said Hyesun. His gaze turns to Seokjin.

The vampire nodded. Until the two of them walked again, leaving Jeongguk's figure still silent.

Jeongguk looks at the floor. Let out a sigh before his feet took a soundless step. His eyes were now busy mapping the face of the wolf that was closed in front of him.

The vampire knelt down. Aligning his body before his hand forward— Stroking the thick fur behind Taehyung's ear.

And that Alpha was definitely an eye opener. Awakened. Silently staring at him.

"Continue your sleep." Jeongguk whispered in Taehyung's head.

Taehyung, who just woke up, clearly didn't understand how to respond. On the other hand— Caressing Jeongguk's fingers from head to neck feels so comfortable. Made his nose snort faintly.

"Thank you. For being willing to be Hyeyoon's brother. She will definitely miss a time like this later."

Taehyung felt his heart flutter. As if not ready for the discussion of the Origin vampire.

But his breath stopped as soon as Jeongguk moved forward. Kiss the side of the muzzle without hesitation.

"Call me when you're hungry or need something."

And the vampire disappeared.

Leaving Taehyung pensive. It would be a lie if the feeling that was tugging at his heart couldn't be guessed.

Alpha understands. But maybe reason refuses to understand.

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