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Taehyung had just entered the dining room when the waiters finished arranging the dishes.

Because Jeongguk who didn't stop bothering him— Taehyung ended up forgetting his desire to find snacks.

In fact, the vampire was not kidding when he said he would often kiss her. Because now Taehyung's lips feel swollen.

The young Alpha rubbed his face. He must be crazy. Too long in here might drive him crazy.Not wanting to pay attention to what happened, he finally smiled in response to Hyesun's greeting.

They eat quietly. Taehyung will usually be the one who eats the most. But this time the Alpha frowned. The food tasted bland, even a little bitter. He tries to bite the meat and the taste is not much different, it's not as good as usual.

"What's wrong Taehyung?" This time Hyeyoon rebuked him.

"No— It's just that this time, the cooking isn't as delicious as usual. Did the cook change? Or is it just my tongue?"

Instead of getting an answer, everyone fell silent. Taehyung frowned at the vampires looking at each other.

"Is there anything I don't know here?"

Still no answer.

"I really hate being ignored." But when the Alpha sounded firm, Jeongguk seemed to be sighing heavily.

"When the womb is 2 to three months old, usually the descendants of vampires start to refuse regular food. They will ask for fresh blood instead. I did not know you would experience it this fast."

Taehyung gaped. What? Is Jeongguk kidding?

"I'm not kidding. You will start refusing any food."

Taehyung shook his head. "Nonsense. Just because I have your child doesn't mean I will have that terrible habit!" He hissed.

He tried to be indifferent. Trying to go back to enjoying the food but the longer the bitter taste becomes real and Taehyung almost vomits the food.

The touch of his arm. Taehyung glanced at Jeongguk's hand.

"Stop pushing yourself. I'll help you—"

Taehyung chuckled. Her eyes stared and the whole room tensed up as the Alpha growled. His fangs were slightly extended and his eyes barked red.

For a month Taehyung always maintained his attitude— But now Alpha was really offended."I'm not a vampire." Taehyung said. Her tone is full of emphasis.

The Alpha rose. But Jeongguk grabbed his arm.

"I'm not a bloodsucker. And I refuse to be one of them."

Jeongguk removed his block. Not because he was afraid but because he didn't want to make Taehyung even more angry.

Everyone was still silent when Taehyung left without saying excuse me.

"I knew she was Alpha, but I didn't know she would dare behave like that in front of the Originals." Sohan said.

Hyesun who saw her husband frowned suddenly touched his fingers. "Taehyung must be just shocked. He's a wolf after all."

Jeongguk stared at his hands silently. One of the things that made them intend to invite Taehyung here from the start was about this habit. They know this will happen and let the innocent wolf take care of Taehyung, they believe it will be dangerous. Taehyung will start refusing to eat, and if he doesn't get him to taste blood right away then the wolf will end up suffocating. And it seems like persuading Taehyung won't be easy either.

For a month, Taehyung looked really trying to blend in. Trying to get used to and accept the situation. This was the wolf's first time ever again showing its Alpha status— Even in front of its father.

"You have to talk to him." Namjoon's voice.

Jeongguk stared at the vampire. He nodded.

Of course.

"I'll try to persuade him."

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