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Either Taehyung was too worried from the start or his family tried to make him think less.

Breakfast was normal. Nothing is different except their own Luna who arranges all the dishes there. Taehyung could even see his mother kept trying to make him smile.

"Taehyung. Stop frowning and eat more." Jaesik's voice was heard. The Alpha looked at his son. There were dark circles under his eyes.

"Because it's the last day before Jeongguk comes to take you— You have to eat well. We don't know what you're going to eat there." Jaesik ducked as he said it.

Meanwhile, Taehyung continued to stare at his father.

Jaesik seemed to sigh heavily. But after a while, the Alpha raised a stern face. He smiled a little. "Don't act like this is the end. Just a moment. After that you will come back here and everything will be back to normal. Isn't that right? I trust you."

Taehyung nodded. "Thank you dad."

After breakfast that morning was over. They are still talking in the living room. But the difference is that Jaesik brings up another topic. They had promised that they didn't want to discuss this subject to make Taehyung feel burdened.

They just had to wait for the Origin vampire to come here.

And when Taehyung thought Jeongguk would come at night— He flinched when his nose smelled the vampire's scent. He turned his head. Just get up. Making the others suddenly confused.

"What's wrong Taehyung?" Jihyun touched his son's arm. But his gaze fell on the figure who had just entered their living room.

Jeongguk came, in his dark robe. The charming vampire is not alone, there is Namjoon behind him.

The wolves suddenly stood up worried. They were silent for a moment. It has been said that vampires are usually good-looking, but seeing the upper clans in person— What a perfect face.Taehyung bit his lip. His eyes met Jeongguk's.

"Sorry, startling you." Jeongguk's deep voice was heard.

Jaesik rubbed his face. "You got my son pregnant?" He already intended to calm down. But somehow when he met Jeongguk he still wanted to curse the vampire.

Jeongguk snorted. Obviously knowing that it looks like Taehyung has discussed everything with his family.

"Didn't your family teach that our nation is different? On what basis did you dare to plant offspring on the candidate Alpha Moren?"

"It was my choice. Please don't bring my family name." Jeongguk's cold voice made Jaesik sigh."Very well. Of course— This was an accident—"

"Not completely accident. I did it consciously. From the beginning Taehyung caught my attention. You have a charming son."

Taehyung glared. Jeongguk shouldn't talk like that!

"Don't be crazy. I'll kill you if you dare mess with my son." Jaesik firmly.

"I'm sorry. But I'm just trying to compliment."

Taehyung can't count how many curses he swore in his head for Jeongguk.

Seeing the sudden uncomfortable atmosphere— Jihyun cleared his throat. "You really sure Taehyung will be fine if you come with you? He already said everything last night. But are you sure Taehyung is really safe there? Can't he just be here?"

Jeongguk's gaze turned to the beautiful Luna who was hugging Taehyung's arm.

Namjoon who saw Jeongguk silent finally took a step forward. He smiled politely. "Sorry to interrupt, let me introduce myself— I am Jeongguk's cousin Jeon Namjoon. For the previous question, we must emphasize that even though Taehyung is a wolf, but the leader of the Origin clan who is the father of Jeongguk could not possibly let Taehyung who was pregnant with Jeongguk's child be in danger. Please believe in us. If Taehyung stays here, it will be feared that other wolves could threaten his life. When he is two months pregnant, Taehyung will start to have trouble— Bringing Taehyung is the best choice. "

Who would have thought that the figure who should have been their enemy spoke so politely."You vowed to send Taehyung home safely?" Jaesik asked again.

Jeongguk finally nodded.

"You're not going to mess with him are you?" This time it was Jimin's voice. Alpha stared at the two vampires closely.

Jeongguk chuckled. Its visible fangs made Jimin swallow hard.

"If I answer yes does that mean I can bring Taehyung now?"

But this time the Luna panicked. "You're going to bring it now? Can't you give it a little more time? Let Taehyung eat lunch here. Only about three hours to go."

Jeongguk looked at the family. Honestly when he decided to come early because he felt the rain made them safer in and out of the Moren clan territory. The smell of rain will disguise their existence. But seeing Taehyung's family, who didn't seem willing, forced him to give in. "We will wait until lunch. Because it looks like the weather is still cloudy and the drizzle is still falling, we can wait." Jeongguk explained.

Jaesik nodded. "Sit down. If you don't mind, I have lots of things to ask."

The two vampires left. Take off their robes until the expensive suit is seen. Jimin was even amazed at the polite style of the two of them. Don't those clothes overheat them?

"You three can accompany Taehyung to his room."In the end, only the Alpha, Luna and two vampires from the Origin clan remained in the living room.

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