Ch. 24

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“Please, can you remind me again why did I let you convince me to come here?” Ivy put the binoculars down and looked exhausted at Erika that was holding hers. They were hiding behind a giant pot with a palm tree and watched how Daniel was heading to the sun bed where Ruby was laying.

“Because you wanted to do this. Do you imagine yourself staying relaxed at our hotel while Daniel was here?”

“I can. Now I have to see Ruby’s fake boobs.” They both shared a laugh and put the binoculars back as Daniel got near Ruby.

Ruby was checking her phone when Daniel called her name. She dropped her phone and Daniel picked it up and gave it to her.

“You should be more careful, it is the second time you drop it.” Ruby was completely white and looked puzzled at him. She needed a few moments to be able to say something.

“Daniel, honey, what are you doing here?”

“I wanted to surprise you, isn’t it obviously?”

“Why didn’t you tell me you wanted to come with me?”

“Why? Is there a problem?”


“Good. Now can you tell me why the hell are you naked at a swimming pool?”

“Oh honey, don’t be jealous, I am topless, not naked, how do you think I can wear my strapless dresses if I tan with lines. Do you know how horrible it looks? I can’t be out in public”

“Ruby, can you please stop this act? Don’t honey me., ok? Where is Franco?”

“How am I am supposed to know?”

“Well, he is here with you.” Ruby looked around and stayed silent for a minute.

“He is just a driver, he comes when I need him to drive me around.”

“Do you need him now?”

“Now? No.”

“I think you do.” Daniel pointed her at Franco that was coming to her sun bed with two cocktails in his hands.

“Oh, probably he thought I was thirsty. “

“Yeah, and you have no problem staying naked around him.”

“Daniel, do I have to tell you again about the lines?” Daniel stopped looking at her as Franco approached them, but he kept his distance.

“Franco, come closer, don’t be shy. My wife must be thirsty, don’t keep her waiting.” Franco gave Ruby her cocktail and Daniel called him again.

“Please, come closer, I want to thank you for taking such good care of her.”

“It’s not a big deal, Mr. Wells” he said.

“I think it is” and Daniel punched Franco straight in his nose and he felt down spilling his drink over Ruby and himself. She started screaming and bent down to help Franco who was already bleeding.

“Are you crazy? Help him!”

“With pleasure” and Daniel got over him and punched him again.

“Stop!” she screamed again and some men from the pool ran to pushed Daniel from Franco.

“Call the police” she continued screaming.

“Yes, please give them a call. Maybe Franco can explain them better why he assaulted a pregnant woman.”

“That little slut complained? I should have hit her when I had the chance” Franco told him.

“Touch one hair of her and you will be a dead man.”

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