Celebrating Valentine's Day

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Skip this if you don't like a pregnancy imagine.


Today is Valentine's day You  wanted to surprise Harry by making him Breakfast in bed and giving him a present.

Harry is sleeping peacefully beside you. You quietly get out of bed and went into the kitchen without making too much noise or Harry will wake up.

You made him pancakes with whip cream on top, and put some fresh fruits on a bowl.

You carefully put the everything in a table tray and went to grab a coaster and put the tea above it and went upstairs to the bedroom without spilling anything.

You put the table tray beside Harry, making him wake up

"Love what's all this?" He furrowed his eyebrows. His eyes trying to adjust to the light of the room.

"I made you breakfast in bed" You smiled

"Thanks baby, you didn't need to do" He kissed your temple

"Oh but I did" You smirked. He sat up,  resting his head on the headboard. "This looks very delicious" He glanced at the food infront of him
"I know now c'mon eat!" You say impatiently.
"Okay, okay" He yawned.

While Harry was eating, you opened the night stand beside your bed and took out a small box and giving it to Harry.

"Here open it" You ordered
"You bought me a present?" He spoke,  rubbing his eyes
"Not exactly, It's good. I promise"
You stated.

He opened it and saw a pregnancy test with a (+) in it. His jaw dropped and looked at you.

"I'm going to be a dad?" He whispered, You nodded while holding your stomach.

"IM GOING TO BE A DAD!!" He shouted. He got up and ran around the house, you laughed  at his reaction.

He comes back to the room, picking you up and kissed you, he pulled away and kneeled so he's the same level as your stomach, he placed his large hand to your stomach.

"I'll always try to protect you and your mummy" He cooed, talking to your belly, You couldn't help but smile.

He stood up, placing his hands on your shoulder.

"When did you found out?" He asked,
"Yesterday, while you're still at the studio" You replied.
"I'm so happy right now Y/N" He beamed, showering you with kisses, You giggled
"So did you like your present?" You asked
"Like?... I love it!" He smiled, kissing you again.


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