Morning with Darcy

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You still wanted to sleep,  but nothing worked. Instead you decided to turn your attention to the other side of the bed. And the sight was really adorable.

Darcy, your little daughter was lying on Harry's chest, peacefully sleeping.
Not for long though, as she heard the bed move slightly, she opened her beautiful green eyes. That she inherited from Harry, and looked at you.

"Mama" She spoke, She didn't  speak very well yet, the words 
'Mama and Dada'  were the only words you knew she have spoken.
Darcy reached her little hand, you hold one of your fingers and  let her hold it, thinking about just how lucky you are to have both her and
Harry in your life.

"Darcy, let's wake Dada up. Come on " You say, quietly while getting a few strands of hair out of her face. After you finished, Darcy slowly started crawling up Harry's chest. She buried her tiny face in Harry's neck.

"Dada, dada" She kept repeating, but Harry wouldn't budge. Darcy made a small frowny face, and crawled up Harry's chest even more. Now she was
able to reach his face. She took her little hand and placed it in Harry's cheek, slowly moving her hand.

"Dada... dada!" she spoke and Harry finally opened his eyes at which Darcy
instantly giggled. Harry looked at the sight infront of him and gave a big smile.

"Good morning" He whispered looking at you his voice still raspy.
"Good morning Hazza" You smiled at him, but Darcy wasn't having it. She needed Harry's attention. She gently slapped her little fist on his chest and Harry's smile grew even bigger-
if that was even possible.

"Hello princess!" He cheered and carefully picked Darcy up lifting her above him, peppering her entire face in small kisses. Darcy started giggling at first, but after a few seconds she was clearly getting fed up with the kisses.

"Naaaa" She mumbled, Harry put her down in between you and him on the bed.

Now Darcy turned her attention to you and she pressed her face next to yours - she didn't know how to give kisses yet so that's what she did.

You gently took her face and kissed the tip of her nose, making her once giggle. She was really happy today.

Out of the corner of your eye you could see Harry smiling, so both you and Darcy were now looking at him.

"I don't understand how I could possibly be lucky enough to have you two." He kissed both of your foreheads.


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