Cold Morning

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You're still half asleep. You stood up leaving your warm and comfy bed you share with Harry, and stretched your tired body, picking up Harry's jumper on the floor wearing it,

You walk towards the window and open the curtains and saw the sun and snow falling from the sky outside your balcony.

You came back to the bed looking at Harry still peacefully sleeping, his curls covering his face, You kissed his head and thinking to yourself how did you ended up with a handsome man like Harry.

You went to the bathroom turning on the lights and started brushing your teeth.

While brushing your teeth you felt two hands wrapped around your waist you turned around seeing Harry still looking tired.
"Morning" He said. You waved and turned back around to the sink and spit the toothpaste, rinsing
your mouth.

 "Good morning H" You whispered, hugging him.

You both went downstairs towards the kitchen.

"It's really cold" He shivered,
"It is, what do you want for breakfast?" You asked him
"Can you make pancakes please" He smiled,
"Of course" You nodded, getting the ingredients out of the fridge, Him sitting on the kitchen stool looking at you.

You made breakfast and hot cocoa
for the both of you,

"You make delicious pancakes Y/N" He says still eating,
"I know" You smirked and drink the hot cocoa.

"Hey Babe, Can we go outside?" You asked Harry,
"But it's really cold" He yawned, looking at you.
"I know, but we'll just put on coats and all that stuff please " You pleaded,  "Ok, fine" He gave in.

You both went outside holding hands and just enjoying each other's company looking at the snow.

"I love you Harry " You said and kissed his lips
"I love you more Y/N" He said
kissing back.


Harry Styles Imagines ♡Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora