Celebrity Crush

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Your P.O.V

I looked at my phone and bit my lower lip.

"He looks so sexy in this pic" I mumbled to yourself, I didn't notice Harry standing there, lifting one of his eyebrows.

He took the phone from my hands, and looked at the photo.

"Hey!" I remarked, Harry gave me a questioning look.
"Why are you stalking Tom Holland's Instagram?" He asked impatiently.

"Why not? He's hot." I joked.

He tossed the phone beside me on
the couch and walked away, not saying a word.

'Here we go.. again' I rolled my eyes and followed him.

Harry easily gets jealous when it comes to this type of things, I mean what's wrong with having a celebrity crush? I know he has one.


I found Harry in the kitchen getting a drink.

"Harry, are you mad at me?" I placed my hands on my waist and looked at him.

"Yes." He turned around and faced me.

"Why are you mad?" I spoke,
"Because.." He muttered, drinking his beverage.
"That's not an explanation" I walked closer to him, placing my arms around his shoulders.

"Because I'm your boyfriend, and I don't like it when you're attracted to other people, you're mine." He placed his hands around my waist.

"Haz, he's just my celebrity crush, I know you have one too. You once said in an interview, your celebrity crush was Jennifer Anniston" I joked, He chuckled.
"I guess" He pressed his lips against mine. I smiled into the kiss.

"Besides I have you, and I don't need anyone else" I smiled.

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