Red carpet pt 1

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Harry knows that you're here without
even turning his head to look at the crowd of fans standing behind the

You've been talking with your fans since you've arrived and you're completely forgetting that you are on the red carpet and should be smiling for photos. When Harry's eyes meet yours, a beautiful dimpled smile appears on his pink lips and you smiled back.

He leaves the person he's with and comes near you, stopping right in front of you. Without a word, he takes your hand and kisses it, making the fans scream.

"Good evening beautiful" He greets you.
"Good evening Harry, nice to see
you tonight." you smiled back.

He's not supposed to call you that way in public, especially during an award show, your relationship is still private.

"Are you two, together?" A gorgeous woman with beautiful brown skin ask.
"No!" You and Harry said at the same time, too quickly to be telling the truth.

The woman looks at you both with a weird look as if she was saying
'Do I look like I believe you?' and Harry doesn't help when he starts caressing the skin of your hand.

"Harry, stop or I'll punch you" You whispered to him.
He smirks, leaving a sweet kiss on your temple.

"I'll see you inside" He responded and looked at the woman
"Nice to meet you" He smiled at her and walked away.

You turned your attention to the woman in front of you.

"You can say whatever you want, you two look perfect together" She smiled at you, you nodded your head at her comment and thanked her.

You went inside to go look for Harry.



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