" How do you feel boss, are you ...ok?"

Yoongi asked, finally, nervously looking at Hoseok again .

' fuck I was about to give him a punishment he'd not easily forget but - why does he look like he didn't sleep for ages '

Hoseok just didn't go home for two days and yoongi didn't sleep a wink, refusing to let himself fall asleep , wanting to make sure hoseok was back...safe before going to bed.

Even last tonight yoongi spent almost the whole night looking at Hoseok and comforting him whenever he frowned in his sleep, thinking it was a nightmare again.


yoongi Snapped back to reality hearing hoseok's loud voice.

" Back to earth I see, how am I ? My foot, what's wrong with you ? "

" Huh? Why ? "

Hoseok clicked his tongue in frustration as he put his index finger under yoongi's chin and lifted it up, looking at the massive eye bags that yoongi had developed in just two days.

" What were you up to kitten ? What's with these bags under your eyes? "

" Why should I say ? "

Yoongi almost growled back while frowning
Making hoseok raise his eyebrow.

Hoseok was caught by surprise, not but how yoongi shouted back but the fact that he wasn't getting mad at the boy even after all this.

Hoseok smiled to himself as he took his coffee cup again and leaned on the table a little.

" And why not ? "

Hoseok looked at yoongi's hip, behind which yoongi was hiding his red and kinda still swollen wrists, thinking hoseok doesn't remember what happened last light after drinking too much.

Yoongi got even more pissed seeing just a calm reaction from hoseok, he wanted to know what made hoseok drink so much, what was that nightmare that made him sweat so much, what's his trauma, why won't be able to sleep without pills ?...

" So much...I don't know "

Yoongi murdered

" I know nothing "

Yoongi murmured looking down at the floor

" What was that kitten ? "

" About Mike... Won't you tell me ? I'm your hacker right...is it that you don't think I'm capable or you don't trust me with the job ?"

Yoongi said while looking up at a hoseok who was staring down at him with one raised eyebrow and a pair of tiger eyes which said Hoseok was pissed.

Yoongi gulped pausing for a second.

" Where's this coming from all of a sudden, that fucker's name- "

" All I did was monitor the cams for the past weeks, you haven't been giving me anything else and you didn't come home for two days and you didn't answer your phone or my texts and ...and i-i knew nothing about..."

a teardrop slipped out of yoongi's already tired looking eyes. Hoseok clicked his tongue, looking away.

" About you ... I was waiting for you to say it but last night... It hurt so much watching you like that, you kept murmuring and cursing even in your sleep and I knew... nothing other than hold you and hope you'll be ok. "

Another teardrop dripped down without yoongi even noticing it as he sniffed back . Hoseok flipped the hair on his forehead backwards with frowned eyebrows having enough of this shit.

Bring me back  ▓▓🅢︎🅞︎🅟︎🅔︎▓▓  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now