|Chapter 198 : Signatures|

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"Did you two never listen to anything we were taught when we were younger? 'If there's a fire you're trying to douse-"

"You can't put it out from-"

"Inside the house-"

"I'm in the duel I am complicit at watching him grabbing at power and kissing it. If Dumbledore isn't going to listen to disciplined-"


"Blaise. I'm ranting. Not now-"

"Restricted section"

"I- what now?"

"The library. Restricted section"

"What about it? Draco? Where's he going with this?" I asked as I turned to them both, having sat  down beside me as I stared at them and he shrugged before giving Blaise the same confused look I had on my face

"Go to the restricted section in the library, look up spells you can use to your advantage" he said simply, shrugging as he took my bowl with an amused look as I thought it over before glancing to Draco who sat with a surprised look

"Who would've thought Zabini could come up with something as clever as that?"

"Shut up Malfoy"

"Only one flaw; we would need a signature"

"Snape. Easy"

"He's got a point actually. Snape favours you-"

"Only because unlike some people, Amelia knows what she's doing-"

"There's no need for the jibe Malfoy. Because incase you've forgotten, she's better than you as well-"

"Can you two cut it out? Holly stay quiet, Malfoy you too, she's on Amelia's side in case it's slipped your notice" Oscar said to him as he leaned forward to stare at the two of them as the two scowled before turning away and I rubbed at my face as Holly mumbled to herself


"Right back at you Holly- now, what would I say? 'Hello Professor Snape, question: could I have your signature to get into the restricted section of the library so I can have the upper hand in a duel?'"

"That would probably work"

"No it wouldn't Blaise"

"How not? He despises Weasley. Not you. The only thing he would care about is whether you won or not" he shrugged as I let out a laugh

"Should we?"

"Yeah, it's worth a shot-"

"Wait. Should I go see Lupin first? He might be more likely to give a signature than Snape"

"Well let's go then, we'll work out what to say on the way there" Draco said as I nodded, the three of us simultaneously reaching under the table for our bags as we stood up at the same time and started leaving the hall

"I really hope this works. Are you two coming in or what?" I asked awhile later as we stood outside Lupins door as they motioned to the doorway as I nodded and knocked, opening the door a moment later as I watched him lift his head from his desk and a smile crossed his face

"Hello Amelia, is everything all right?"

"Oh yeah, yeah everything's fine. I was wondering if I could ask a favour?"

"Well, you can ask" he told me as we shared a laugh and I sat down on a nearby table in front of his desk

"That's not school uniform"

"I personally don't give a damn, the teachers don't either. It's also comfier" I laughed as I looked down at my leggings with a shrug as he let out a laugh

"Anyway, I was wondering if I could have a signature from you to get into the restricted section of the library?"

"And why would you need a signature?"

"So I don't have to go through the effort of sneaking in" I said to him with a grin as he looked at me amused and gave a slight nod of his head

"Fair enough, but what is it you're needing from the restricted section?"

"A book"

"I figured that, what kind of book?"

"I'm needing a potions book, I was thinking of practising a more advanced potion in my spare time"

"A more advanced? Are you not challenged with the level you're working at now?"

"In all fairness professor, fourth year potions are a dawdle when you've brewed a NEWT level potion to perfection in first year" I explained, a smirk on my face as he looked at me with a raised eyebrows

"First year?"

"First year"

"As impressive as I find that Amelia, Why didn't you go to Professor Snape?"

"I did go to find him but both his classroom and office were empty. And he wasn't in the hall. So I came here instead" I told him, a smile on my face as he looked at me for a moment longer, an amused look still on his face before turning away as he finished writing on the piece of paper in front of him before shuffling the pile and reaching down into one of the desk drawers and pulling out a small piece of parchment as he quickly scribbled on it

"Are you going to make sure you'll stay on top of your other work?"


"Well here you are then, I'll see you tomorrow after lunch" he smiled as he walked over and handed me the piece of parchment as a grin spread across my face and I looked up at him

"Thank you, honestly. This also saves me having to sneak in"

"And it won't get you a detention"

"That's true. Thank you again Professor" I grinned before hopping off the table as I sped towards the two at the door and winked at them before joining them outside the classroom and we walked down the hall quickly before I stopped as I bounced up and down with glee

"I can't believe that fucking worked"

"I don't think any of us can"

"Do you want me to take it? Incase any of the girls try to take it?" Blaise asked as I nodded and passed him it as he tucked it in the inside pocket of his robes as we started walking down the corridor again, a grin still on my face as we tried to act natural while making our way to our next class

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