|Chapter 196 : Disbelief|

Comenzar desde el principio

"Huh? Did I say something? I didn't hear myself-"

"Right, okay. We're coming to this whole boyfriend business later-"

"Who said I was dating a guy?" I retorted quickly as I stared at him and he paused slightly

"Fair- wait.... are you dating a girl?"

"No, but I just wanted you to remember that girls date girls-"

"Yes I know I know but we'll come back to this after. You're in a duel?!" He hissed at me ludicrously, staring at me with a look of concern as I nodded with a grin while he shook his head in complete disbelief

"Please tell me you're joking"

"I'm not-"

"Lia, please"


"You're not being serious, are you?"

"I am, 100%" I told him as he stared at me for a moment before turning away, groaning as he rubbed at his head, a slightly exasperated look on his face as he looked away, turning back to me after awhile

"I can't believe you"


"With all that's going on already, you think it's a good idea to go and start a duel?"

"No, it's not a good idea-"

"Thank Merlin you're seeing sense-"

"It's a great idea-"

"Fucking hell" he sighed as I started laughing and he gave me an unamused look as I smiled at him, starting to tease him as I poked his cheek

"Aw, what's wrong? Are you scared I'm going to get hurt?"

"Yes! I bloody am Lia!"

"Why does everybody think I'm going to get hurt? I'm going to be completely fine, I know what I'm doing-"

"I'm not sure you do-"


"Who's it against?"


"Oh come on Amelia!"

"Ron if I wasn't clear enough" I added on as I started laughing as he let out a loud groan before turning and staring at me

"It's not funny!"

"No, you're right. It's hilarious"

"Lia, please I'm b-"

"You can't convince me not to do it either. I'm doing it and that's that" I told him defiantly, my mind set on it as we stared at each other for a few minutes before he let out a sigh

"I'm not going to win this argument-"

"Glad you noticed-"

"Lia, please. I really don't want you to do this but I know you're not going to change your mind and you won't listen to me as I try to convince you otherwise. But please, if this does go ahead, let me know when it is, ok?"



"Yeah" I sighed quietly, looking at him before starting to laugh as a small smile formed on his face and he shuffled over slightly

"So.... who're you dating?"

"Who said I was going to tell you?"

"Me. I said you were going to tell me"

"Promise you won't tell anyone"

"It depends...."


"Okay, okay. I won't tell anyone. No one from the team will know apart from me"

"Don't tell Cedric either"

"He doesn't know?" He asked surprised as I shook my head and he looked at me for a moment, amused before I was pulled into a hug and I leant against him

"So come on then, spill the beans. Who is it?"


"Who now-? Wait.... the one in your year? Slightly brown but slightly dark blond hair?" He asked as I nodded, feeling my face flush while he laughed in realisation

"Wow, you've certainly got a specific taste, haven't you?"

"Oh shut up"

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