|Chapter 190 : Banners and Phrases|

Start from the beginning

"Are you-?"

"Oh, yes. Yes I'm fine, I'm splendid, grand, really great today, never been-"

"Amelia. It's not true"

"Never been better, I feel fantastic, really dashing, over the moon, over joyed, really pleased-"

"Amelia" Draco cut me off as I fell quiet, ending my ramble as I stared down at the floor with a numb feeling as he tried to turn me head towards him as he appeared in my line of sight

"It's not true-"

"You're only saying that because you have to" I mumbled as I lifted my head up as the three appeared in the doorway of the classroom as Pansy and Daphne came over

"No I'm not Amelia. I'm say it's not true because it's not. Don't take it personally-"

"How can I not take it personally? It was my name branded up on that banner, Draco. Nobody else's. Mine"

"I know, that wasn't the right thing to say. Don't take it personal- I think they two will be better at-" he started to say quietly as I was hauled up from my seat and brought into their hug

"You are not that, you are anything but that"

"We love you Lia, fuck whoever put that up" Pansy said as I mumbled quietly, resting my head on their shoulders as people started to silently file into the class, already hearing the whispers floating over to where we were as I refused to look up

"Well, if it isn't the skank-"

"Well if it isn't the biggest slapper that's every walked the halls-" Pansy snarled at Lavender across the room

"The one that throws herself at every guy that walks in her direction, desperate to get herself laid before she's fourteen" Daphne shot at her coldly as I shook my head at the two

"Please don't, honestly. She's not worth it-"

"You're saying that I'm the one trying to get myself laid before I'm fourteen? It's rich coming from you Greengrass, you too Parkinson, seeing as it's you two that walk about the school trying to get yourself down the trousers of every guy you see-" Lavender spat as I drew my wand and pointed it at her and flicked it in an instant, watching as she flew into the back wall of the room before falling down onto the floor in a heap as I tucked my wand away

"She dare fucking say-"

"Lia. She's just a bitch, thank you though" Pansy said with a light laugh before they stepped back and slipped into the seats in front of us as I sat down in my own chair, being pulled into a hug in an instant as Blaise kept his arm wrapped around me, having taken the spare chair beside me and Draco as he rested his head on top of mine, not wanting him to say anything and being glad that he stayed quiet while Professor McGonagall walked in and cast a glance to the Gryffindors who stood huddled in the corner as I glanced over, finding Holly sitting defiantly in her seat as she turned to look at me. Pushing her chair out I watched as she grabbed her bag and walked over to this side of the room as she made her way to Pansy and Daphne and motioned to the space beside them as they nodded as she sat down in the free space beside them as a grateful smile crossed my face

"I love her Blaise. I do. I love you all" I told him quietly and I watched as McGonagall gave Holly a surprised look, and a small smile before she turned to the other side of the room

"Miss Brown stop making a fuss and sit down, that goes for all of you-"

"She attacked me Professor!" She shouted as she pointed a finger at where I was sitting as I raised an eyebrow at her, speaking to her with a snarl that I didn't bother trying to hide

"You don't have the proof of that-"

"You raised your wand at me!"

"Do you have any evidence to hold against me?" I asked as she stumbled over her words and I waited until she finally shut her mouth with a sour look

"Well, Miss Brown? Do you?"

"No professor"

"Exactly. Quite frankly, Brown, I am innocent until proven guilty" I told her as her lip curled and she sat down in her seat annoyed as she glared at the table, muttering to herself as I turned away from her and went to take my book from my bag before stopping and turning to Draco

"Can I share your book?" I asked quietly as he nodded with an amused look as he took it out and sat it between the two of us

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