" Are you serious Sage? You're actually doing that with my brother? Why didn't you tell me? We tell each other everything!" Brendon says loudly.

" Because I didn't want to talk about my sex life. That's personal. And besides, my sex life is with your brother! Do you really want to know how your brother is in bed?" Sage says. Brendon tries to shake out the thought of Drew doing his best friend. It was gross.

" No, but come on! This is stuff friends talk about! I feel like I don't even know you!" Brendon says. Sage stands up and faces Brendon.

" Okay, so this is how it's gonna go. What the hell happened between you and Matt, huh? Did you guys even have sex or did he dump you because you wouldn't have sex with him?" Sage says.

" I'm not gonna talk to you about that when we're practically yelling at each other! People can hear! And how dare you bring up the first guy I had a thing with!" Brendon says.

" Exactly! Why the hell can we talk about my sex life when you won't even talk about what happened with you and Matt! Stop being a petty bitch!" Sage says.

" Okay fine, you have a fucking point. But I still thought we shared everything with each other. I feel like you're constantly lying to me." Brendon says.

" I don't want to share my sex life with you! Can't I have something personal that I just know? If I want you to know something, I will share with you. I always do!" Sage says.

Brendon sees Drew's car pull up. Brendon grabs his backpack. He was done with this conversation for now. He starts walking to Drew's car, but stops when Drew gets out and walks towards the fighting friends.

" Hey, both of you guys ready to go?" Drew asks. Brendon stops and looks back at Sage.

" He's driving you home?" Brendon asks.

" Uh, yeah! He's my boyfriend! Boyfriends do things like that." Sage says.

" Then why should I bother getting in the car when you guys are probably gonna have sex!" Brendon exclaims.

" We've never had sex." Drew butts in.

" He knows that we have. Give it a rest." Sage snaps. Drew backs off. Sage turns her attention back to Brendon," And besides, I wouldn't do it with you in the car. I'm a nice friend!"

" Nice friends don't date their brothers!" Brendon yells.

" Is this really what it's been about this whole time?" Sage asks. Brendon ignores her and walks back to the school.

" Brendon, where are you going?" Drew calls.

" Back into the school. I'm not getting in the car with her. I'll call dad or papa to pick me up." Brendon says.

" Good! I didn't want you in the car anyway!" Sage calls after him. Drew rolls his eyes and runs to Brendon. He stops Brendon from walking.

" C'mon Bren, you know our parents would be pissed if they had to come get you, especially since I'm here. Just get in the car, please." Drew says.

" Don't drive Sage home." Brendon mumbles.

" I can't do that. She's my girlfriend." Drew says. Brendon shrugs Drew away from him.

" You're constantly choosing each other. Do you know how it feels to be a third fucking wheel? I have a brother who already fucking hates me and now my friend would rather hang out with my brother than me? This shit hurts. If you guys wanted me out, you should just fucking tell me instead of lying to me about everything." Brendon says. He starts walking in the direction of home.

" Brendon, what the hell are you doing?" Drew calls after him.

" I'm walking home. Don't bother trying to give me a ride." Brendon says loud enough for both of them to hear. The couple look at each with worry. They quickly scramble to the car. Drew starts it and follows Brendon.

" Brendon, please get in the car. You're not walking home." Drew says from the car window. Brendon ignores him.

Drew followed Brendon for a couple blocks, but decided he had to take Sage home. So Brendon finally got to walk home in peace.

Brendon made it safely home. He walks through the garage door and flings his shoes off. He walks to the living room to see his parents playing with Melody. They give him a strange look.

" Where's DJ?" Liam asks.

" He decided to drive home his girlfriend so I walked home." Brendon says," Now if you need me, I'll be in room."

Brendon walks upstairs while both parents just watched him. They looked at each other.

" Maybe I should talk to him?" Niall asks while Melody tried to climb on him.

" Maybe the boys need to talk it out themselves." Liam says.

" But-"

" Ni, this is clearly a fight between the both of them. Remember Christmas? Granted they didn't talk to each other for like a month, but they have to figure it out themselves." Liam says.

" I guess you're right. I just want to be there for him." Niall says.

" He knows that we are." Liam says. And with that, Drew bursts through the door.

" Where's Brendon?" Drew asks the parents.

" He's upstairs, but I doubt he'll talk to you." Niall says. Drew lets out a sigh. He sits on the couch.

" So is there a reason why you chose Sage over Brendon today?" Niall asks. Drew perks up.

" I did not choose either one of them. Brendon and Sage were already fighting when I tried to pick them both up. Brendon wouldn't even get in the car with Sage. And he got upset with me when I wouldn't drive Sage home." Drew says. Niall hands Melody to Liam.

" Then I have to talk to Brendon." Niall says. He stands up and walks upstairs. Drew and Liam look at each other.

" I hope the two figure it out soon. I don't want to be in the middle anymore." Drew says. Liam didn't know what to say. So he gave his attention to Melody.

It ended up being quiet the rest of the night. Except for Melody trying to speak.


I really hope this chapter was good. I kind of threw things together and hoped for the best. It's pretty good to me and I kinda liked where I was going.

Anyway, I'm not sure I have anything else to say. So yeah.

Thank you for reading. I love you all so much.


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