" Oh, I don't think so Drew." Louis says. Louis sits down next to Sage. Drew lets out a sigh and sits down next to Louis.

" It's great to see you Harry, but why are you calling me about my son?" Niall says through FaceTime.

" Because your son came to our house when no one was home AND decided to have sex with my daughter!" Louis exclaims.

" Are you serious DJ? You told me you were going out with her! You need to be respectful of their rules." Niall says.

" I was! I didn't think they would be home that early." Drew says. Sage actually made them stay in, but he wasn't about to throw her under the bus.

" Are we forgetting the sex part? They had sex when no one was home!" Louis says.

" Louis, they obviously gave consent. What we should be worried right now is both of them breaking our rule about having significant others over while no one else is home." Harry says, trying to calm down Louis. Louis pouts and crosses his arms.

" DJ, I'm disappointed in you. We have that rule here and did you not think that rule applied at the Tomlinson's?" Niall says.

" Dad, I wasn't thinking okay? I just wanted to be with Sage." Drew says.

" I'll talk to you about your punishment when you get home. I want you home now." Niall says. Drew lets out a sigh.

" Okay dad." Drew says. He stands up from the couch.

" I'm still angry you had sex with my daughter." Louis says.

" Louis, give him a break about that!" Harry says. Sage shakes her head. She feels awful that Drew was taking all of the damage.

Sage stands up from the couch. She looks at her dads.

" It was my idea to have DJ over. Please stop blaming him. I wanted to have sex with him while you guys were gone. I broke your rule." Sage says.

" Babe, are you sure?" Drew asks.

" It's fine DJ. I should be the one in trouble." Sage says. The dad's just sat there in silence for a bit. They weren't expecting Sage to speak up.

" Well, we can talk when DJ leaves." Harry says.

" I'll walk you out." Sage says. Louis stands up from the couch.

" No, I'll walk him out." Louis says.

" Daddy, don't." Sage says.

" I won't strangle him." Louis says. He glared at Drew," Though I am thinking about it."

The two boys walk to the front door. Drew slips his shoes on while Louis just stares at him. Drew looks at Louis.

" I'm really sorry about breaking your rule. Sage means a lot to me and I didn't want to upset her. I really do love your daughter." Drew says. Louis stays silent. Drew nods his head and walks out of the house. He walks to his car when Louis comes running out to Drew.

" DJ, I want to apologize about yelling at you. I can tell you love Sage. I'm just worried about her." Louis says.

" It's understandable. You're her dad and you just want to protect her." Drew says.

" Just don't break any more rules, okay? Don't make me keep you away from Sage." Louis says.

" I won't. Bye Uncle Louis." Drew says.

" Drive safe DJ." Louis says. Drew gets in his car and he starts it up. He pulls out of the driveway and starts the drive back home.

Once home, he pulls into his own driveway. He stops his car and walks inside the house through the garage. He slips his shoes off and walks into the living room. His parents sat on the couch with Melody dozing off to sleep on Liam's lap. Niall looked a little pissed.

" Look, I know you're gonna yell at me. I know what I did was wrong so just punish me. I don't plan on ever breaking the rules like that again." Drew says. Melody perks up at the sound of Drew's voice. The parents look at each other. Then they look back at Drew.

" We hope you don't ever make that mistake again, whether it's here or the Tomlinson's. So we said no Sage for a week and you're on baby duty for a month." Niall says.

" I'm okay with that." Drew says. Melody reaches for Drew so he picks her up and places her above his hip. She starts to doze off again.

" But you have to handle her needs. You can't be playing video games while she just sits there." Niall says.

" You must think I'm a terrible brother then." Drew says.

" You are!" Brendon calls from upstairs. Drew gives him a dirty look even though Brendon couldn't see it.

" Just, please take care of her." Niall says.

" I will." Drew says. He walks upstairs and to his room where Brendon was playing video games. Drew laid on his bed and placed Melody next to him. Drew decided to was nap time for both of them. They both dozed off to sleep.


Hi guys! I lowkey love this chapter. I wanted it to be a little funny, so here we are.

I want to update this story as much as I can because this is the only story I'm working on for now and I would like to end things in the near future. I have no idea when, but we'll get there when we get there.

I don't think I have anything else to say.

Thank you guys for reading. I love you all so much.


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