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"Alexa you fucking ruined it! There is a fucking reason we fix the place you go to. You can't just go wherever the fuck you want and expect the paps to follow. Everyone works under strict rules and you, out of everyone, should be fucking following it! If you pull this shit one more fucking time I won't hesitate to throw you out. I have so many models who would happily take your spot. Leave and don't fucking break these rules ever again," Andrew spat angrily. I left the room and went straight to the washroom.

My eyes were welling with tears. I locked myself in a stall and started to cry silently. I never want to disrespect Andrew. He's the person who helped me get into this industry and continues to help me get my gigs. But there are days when I feel like I'm some machine being controlled to his liking. He continuously forgets that I'm human and that I have feelings too.

Baby, where are you?

I got a text from Jasmin.


I texted back. A few minutes go by and I heard someone enter the washroom.

"Alexa, Babe, come out please," I heard Jasmin say. I opened the stall I was in and she didn't hesitate to step in and shut the door behind her.

"I heard Andrew. You know whatever he said is bullshit right?" She said. I didn't make an effort to answer her. She wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me. I put my head on her stomach and started to cry.

"W-would he actually t-throw me out?" I asked, hiccuping.

"No no babe. He couldn't. He wouldn't. You're one of his best models. He knows that. Fuck, this whole world knows that. He would never jeopardise it," she said, holding my cheeks in her small palms.

"I'm scared Jassa," I mumbled.

"There's nothing for you to be scared about. This whole act is only for 6 months and it's all over. You can go back to your normal life and deal with the normal Andrew," she said. I nodded and wiped my tears.

"Is my makeup smeared?" I asked and she laughed.

"Really?" She asked and I just smiled shyly before nodding.

"Waterproof makeup is magic honey. You might have to fix your lipstick," she said. I left the stall and my makeup stayed quite intact considering I only had mascara and eyeliner on with my concealer. I pulled out my pink lipgloss and smacked some on my lips.

"Better?" I asked.

"Beautiful," She said. She hooked her hand with mine and led me out.

"I'm feeling nice today. Let's go to Baskin Robins," she said.

"Oh yeah!" I cheered. We drove down to our nearest Baskin Robins. We got ourselves some ice cream and chatted about everything for an hour. We ordered a second ice cream in the span of the same hour and then returned back to my home.

"You want to go live? For fun," Jasmin asked.

"You join me too," I said and she shrugged. I set my phone up so that both of us were visible.

"Hey guys! And suddenly I think I'm a YouTuber. Anyway, my dear Jassa decided to join me today," I said.

"Hi! She was lonely and wanted actual human contact for once," Jasmin said.

"I'm offended. Anyway ask us something," I said.

"Ooh nice. What's my opinion about Jas's boyfriend. Well Owen and I become besties through Jasmin. We have our bestie date once a month. Basically we go out and let Jasmin sit at home. Owen is a gem. He's so sweet and loves to hear me rant. Oh boy does he hear me rant. I talk a lot and he's like my main guy when I want to talk. He also loves Zayn and Hailee so like, go to person to talk about them as well. And yeah," I nodded.

Let's Play Pretend [Niall Horan AU]Where stories live. Discover now