Chapter 23 - Connecting The Pieces

Start from the beginning

"Just like your brother." She hummed at his remark, returning the greeting when facing the pro hero. "I have been well, Aizawa-Kun. What about yourself?" She asks with a soft and gentle smile. "Despite the students being a pain, I'm doing quite alright." The elder told, burying his nose into his capture scarf.

Fuyumi was reminded of her brother's unusual behavior. It seemed like forever since she last received an update from him after all, arising worry. The elementary school teacher opened her mouth slightly to voice her concern regarding Shoto's tardiness, but hesitation got ahold of her tongue.

With the two being diligent educators working under tight schedules, Fuyumi would be swallowed with guilt if she were to add more to the man's already filled list. The pro hero seemed to have noticed her reluctance and had an idea of what was about to be asked. "Worried for him, Todoroki-San?" His inference was confirmed by the way her face scrunched up with distress.

"Indeed. We all are. From what Natsuo had told us, Shoto appears to be hiding something." The words she's been trying to form had finally surfaced. "It's been on my mind all day. I can't help but wonder."

"I have my own suspicions as well." Although it was awful to keep the boy's participation in Endeavor's hunt confidential from his loved ones, the request came from Shoto himself. Aizawa has been against the idea of getting the boy involved from the very moment he read those documents containing a bit of information regarding the murder case.

He wanted to persuade the fledgling hero to turn down the mission, do whatever it takes to stop him from acting recklessly, but the determination his yearning eyes presented that day convinced him into surrendering.

"You should have a little more faith in him." From what Shōta had seen, the boy's ready to face the past again, and hopefully heal from it. "The kid'll go extra lengths to disguise his troubles. Worrying his family is the last thing he would want. That's just the kind of guy he is." The young adult lifted her head to meet Aizawa's raven eyes. "But when dealing with hardships, there are many times when you'll find yourself needing space. I think now is the time for him, so please have faith, Todoroki-San."

His words were soothing, diminishing her troubled thoughts in an instant. A small smile perked up by her lips. "Of course—I want what's best for Shoto." She told.

"I'm glad. I'll be off then, get home safely—" Before Shota could take a step forwards, Fuyumi called for him once again.

"Wait, Aizawa-Kun."


—U.A Dormitory's—





He flinched, his green eyes shooting wide open as his head snapped over to the class representative. "Yes?!" The teen exclaimed as he was dragged out of his thoughts. "Sorry, Midoriya-Kun. It wasn't my intention to startle you..." Iida began, murmuring another silent apology.

"No, no. There's no need to apologize, Iida-Kun." The freckled teen offered a gentle smile, which ensured the class president.

"Perhaps we should take a quick break?" Uraraka suggested, keeping her gaze lingered on the boy whose smile had slipped away the moment their class representative faced elsewhere.

"Sure, let's do that." Kaminari yawned.

The students of Class 3-A have been hanging around the common area for a while now, operating as one to complete their last few assignments before work studies begin the next day. It was demanded by the Hero Commission that all students enrolling in hero academies are to join the battlefield after taking a week off from classes. To stop the great number of crimes being committed daily, numbers, power and strength were needed.

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