Gabby: Hey! Master! Master!

Scottie: What is it?

Gabby: Can I go play with Filo? She's much fun to be around with instead of Nessie.

Scottie rolled his eyes and nodded.

Scottie: Just stay out of trouble.

Gabby: Okay~~~!

The little yellow angel boy took off.

Naofumi: I can't believe that's what came out of your egg. He's a little too hyperactive.

Scottie: IKR. Well.. I was too when I was a little brat. They call me one big firecracker that wouldn't go out!

Naofumi chuckled at that before he stopped and glared in another direction.

Scottie: What?

Naofumi: Look...

Scottie looked into the direction when Naofumi was pointing...his temper flared once he got a good look.

Motoyasu was at it again.

His mouth was drooling and hearts were in his eyes as he started at Filo and Gabby playing together! He was making a creepy pedophile like face and was advancing towards them.

Motoyasu: Oh~! Filo-chan! Gabby-chan!

Filo looked at him in disgust while Gabby looked at him in cofusion.

Gabby: Whose that?

Filo: Ugh...It's Spear Guy.

Motoyasu: You both are soooooo cute! Nothing can top your angelic appearances and cute adorable smiles! It's feel like heaven had just bestowed me a wonderful-?!

*Gun Clicks*

Motoyasu: ?!

The ponytail man stopped in his tracks feeling a dark aurora and fearfully looked behind to see Scottie pointing one of his pistols at the idiot's temple.


Motoyasu: *Fear* Uh...It-It's not what it looks like...

Scottie had pulled out a teddy bear with a picture of Motoyasu's face on it. He pointed the gun towards the stuffed animal's lower regions.


Motoyasu: AHHHHHHHHH!!!(°□°)

Gabby/Filo: *Confused* Huh?

Motoyasu: I-I mean...go on and have fun~!

Filo: Yay~~~!

Gabby: Thanks! See ya Spear Guy!

They both took off.



He backs away very slowly keeping his scary look on Motoyasu. Not even turning away. Everyone nearby felt their hearts drop watching the whole scenario.

Motoyasu: *Nervous* (;;;・_・)

Naofumi: *Trying not to laugh*....

Emil: *Sighs*

Lock: That guy will never learn...

Hazel: Yeah...Too busy being a dumbass...

Alyssa: An insufferable idiot no less...


Naofumi eats a number of Lucor Fruit without side effects as Motoyasu promptly passes out from eating just one.

Scottie: Whoa...Pfft...

Naofumi: That idiot...

Scottie: Luckily you're sense of taste is bland.

Naofuni: L'Arc had explained that the fruit is so must be first diluted in huge barrels of water before consumption.

As everyone is happy, Naofumi spends his first quality time since his summoning and Scottie is happy for him...


Never in their life would the Gun Hero's party see this happening. At the beach, Scottie and Lock were arguing.

Alyssa: What are they arguing about....?

Hazel: IDK. Something men do occasionally.

Lock: Briefs!

Scottie: Boxers!

Lock: Briefs!

Scottie: Boxers!

Lock: BRIEFS! *Shows his briefs*

Scottie: BOXERS! *Shows his boxers*

Hazel: *Wolf Whistle*~!

Alyssa: -_-;

Hazel: What~? XD


Lock: Sir Scottie! This is where I'm going to have to disagree with you! I say briefs!

Scottie: Ha?! Fighting back are we?! You got some nerve, Wolf Cunt!

Hazel: I think Nessie and Gabby rubbed off from them...

Alyssa/Emil: Agreed...

Legacy Of The Gun Hero (Rising Of The Shield Hero OC) (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now