kiss me, try to fix it

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kiss me, try to fix it

DECEMBER 23rd felt like a fever dream. The certain day was only two days from an infamous international holiday, the day that almost everyone ignores out of the excitement of the absolute joy of Christmas Eve, or Christmas Day. It was simply forgotten, pushed aside by almost everyone.

Euphemia Potter and Lily and Saiorse Evans were stood by the sink in the Potter household, the three women soaking, scrubbing, and drying each dish that came across their nimble fingers. Cleaning was a bit therapeutic for the three, the act of fixing and putting everything in it's rightful place was intensely satisfying. The rough voice of Louis Armstrong flowed from the speakers of the small radio in the kitchen, the occupants occasionally humming along.

"Thank you girls for helping me out with this." Euphemia smiled at the two Evans girls, putting a porcelain plate into the glass cabinet next to her. Lily let out a small chuckle, attempting to scrub a small tea stain off of a glass cup.

"We enjoy cleaning, really." Lily told the woman, handing the teacup to Saiorse. "It's rather fun to do when you're bored, or just helping someone out."

"What is this, share circle?" James groaned from the doorway, the four Marauders entering the rather large kitchen. They filed in, sitting at the stools in front of the island, each watching the women in front of them work like a machine.

"What are you four doing here?" Saiorse asked, turning to face the boys who each had their chin in their hand, looking inquisitively at the girl.

"We're bored." Remus answered, nudging James in the ribs.

"Oh. Mum?"

"Yes, dear."

"We were, uh, we were invited to a party."

"By who?"

"D-Dorcas Meadowes, ma'am."

"Will there be adult supervision?"

"Yes, m-ma'am. Her oldest sister will be there."

Euphemia turned around to look to her son's eyes, and although he had a nervous stutter that had coated his speech, his eyes remained calm. She tilted her head, sighing at the boy. "Fine. But! No heavy drinking, no hard drugs, and please try not to get anyone pregnant."

Lily giggled as James groaned, finishing up the last knife that had set in the soapy liquid. As she handed the utensil to Saiorse, Lily was beginning to get dragged once more by James, the other two women left to roll their eyes at the lovesick boy.

"Gotta take a piss — " Remus's curse was cut off by the glare of Euphemia, the boy's eyes quickly widening. "Pee."


As Remus left, Sirius and Peter were left at the small island, both playing a game of rock, paper, scissors.

"Alright, Wormy," Sirius began, putting his feet up onto the marble counter. "If I win the next round, you must fetch me a batch of snow from the backyard, and the backyard only."

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