she looks like she's been through it

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she looks like she's been through it

"OW!" The scarred boy yelped from the floor of the Shrieking Shack. "Jesus, Prongs, that hurts!" The boy huffed, his bones still aching from the transformation of the former night.

"I swear to Merlin, Moony, if you don't stop complaining." James huffed, grabbing a soaked rag from Sirius's outstretched hand. He dabbed it on the boy's torso, causing him to flinch away. "Stop moving!"

"Sirius, you do it!" Remus yelled, ripping the rag from James's hand. "You are being too rough! I am sensitive!" James scoffed, crossing his arms. He was annoyed with the boy, but it was understandable that he was being snappy. After all, it is his time of the month.

Sirius grabbed the rag from his hand, dabbing the new lashes on Remus's torso. Peter stood behind them, wincing when the rag touched the injuries. "Snivellus almost came." He said quietly, alerting the attention of James.

"That slimy git better watch where he's going or I'll — " James began, but quickly stopping when the door of the shack opened. The boys scrambled up, James throwing Remus's jumper in front of us his abdomen.

The stairs creaked, the invader sounding like they were almost running up the stairs. The steps were accompanied by sobs and sniffles, rapidly approaching the four boys. Peter held his wand out as the person opened the double doors, when someone unexpected, but somehow always meeting the Marauders, entered the dusty room.

Saiorse Evans.

the day before

THE girl still hadn't gotten out of bed. She still ran through her memories, almost dissociating from the real world. If Saiorse had the choice, she would've stayed in the past. A specific moment in time, forever. But she couldn't.

It took almost everything she had in her, but she sat up. She sat up, and she was proud of herself. The dorm was empty, all occupants had left for their classes. Saiorse stumbled to the bathroom, barely having any feeling in her legs. She laid in bed for a bit over 12 hours, all of her limbs falling asleep. The large mirror of the restroom revealed Saiorse's reflection, the girl being almost appalled at the sight of herself. Her eyes were red with fresh tears, dark eye bags sitting underneath her eyelids. Her hair was tousled from tossing and turning all night, strands stuck to her tear stained cheeks.

She looked down on her separate counter for her brush, yet she found something different. A small, white box sat upon the ledge, Saiorse's name on it. She tentatively grabbed it, examining the entire outside. She had been through enough idiotic pranks to just open something without checking. The box opened, a ring with a green diamond that Saiorse had completely forgotten about.

Donna, her roommate, asked to use it in the beginning of fifth year. Saiorse had never gotten it back.

She was shocked, dropping the box on the ground. It could be bewitched, hexed so that the girl would think that someone actually took pity on her. If she accepted the ring back, and it really was bewitched, her dorm mates would find out, and embarrass her even more.

There was absolutely no way she would be taking the ring back. Not like this.

She put the box back onto Donna's side, discarding it with no feeling. If Donna wanted to give back her ring, she would do it in person. There wasn't a need for secrecies in Saiorse's opinion.

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