a marvelous time ruining everything

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a marvelous time ruining everything

"EACH night before you go to bed, my baby!" James and Sirius yelled, arm in arm as they skipped out of the Hogwarts gates. James and Sirius dragged the remaining three behind them, their trunks thumping on carts behind the group. The two sixth year boys were exceptionally excited for Christmas break, finally getting a break from the nagging professors, annoying Slytherins, and their piles of work.

"How did they convince me to go with them?" Saiorse asked Remus, listening to the two boys completely butcher the old song.

"Whisper a little prayer for me, my baby!"

"I have no clue."

The group made it to the outskirts of the school, waiting for one of the thestral adorned carriages to stop in front of the small quintet. Sirius grabbed three strands of Saiorse's hair, twisting and untwisting it into a small braid.

"Dear Saiorse, do you remember the plan?" Sirius asked her, still braiding the pieces of red hair.

"There was a plan?"

"Okay, so, Saiorse, you'll come to my house on the 20th, Sirius on the 21st." James told her, making wild gestures with his hands. "I promise you, you'll have the best time. Oh! And we have to go Christmas shopping."

"Prongs, we should do Secret Santa!" Sirius gasped, pointing at James. Saiorse smiled at the two boys interactions, both of them acting as if they were 7 and their mothers had just allowed them to stay up past 9:30.

"With mother and father!" James added, almost jumping with joy. "Saiorse, I'm so excited. I told my mom and dad that you were coming and they said they were thrilled to meet you." Even though she didn't want to, Saiorse couldn't help but feel excited to have someone during the Christmas season. Her sort of friends actually wanted to spend time with her. "Here's some floo for your fireplace, and um, that's basically it."

She took the small sack of powder, shoving it in the pocket of her cloak. The carriages trotted to their group by an invisible force, James and Peter beginning to do some kind of kicking game.

Getting to the train was a bit of an earache for Saiorse, Sirius and James telling her what they were planning to do over the break unnecessarily loudly in her ear. Things like staying at the Leaky Cauldron on New Year's Eve, (the almost completed) plan of convincing James's parents to do Secret Santa with them, and unsurprisingly, what they were going to wear to Petunia's wedding.

"You two are the most vain men I have ever met." Saiorse laughed as Sirius began to describe how he would style an ascot with his suit.

"It's called having style, dear Saiorse." Sirius told her, flipping his hair. Peter let out a loud laugh, Saiorse rolling her eyes at the overdramatic boy as the carriage finally pulled in in front of the Hogwarts Express.

"Oh my God, finally." Saiorse sighed in relief, hopping from the carriage. The two boys scoffed, hopping off right with her.

"You know I'm not sitting with you guys on the train, right?"

"Why?" Sirius groaned, tugging on the girl's arm.

"I need at least something to stay the same this year. I always, always ride alone on the train. Even in my first couple years, I've always ridden on the train alone." She told him, removing his grip from her upper arm.

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