What's that?

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*Elizabeth's pov *

Scrolling through my phone on the Vanrie academy app in bed, I opened the school clubs section and read one that caught my attention.

The players club

But it gave no real detail on what it was. It left me a little distraught for the moment.

"Criss, what is the players club?" I asked her as I laid there in thought.

"Oh shit, you don't know about them yet?!" she hopped out of the bed and rushed through the door. Banging on the door that crossed over into the Raven and Sophie's room. The entire time I just laid there and listened to them freaking out and in a matter of minutes they all re entered outside of our room.

"Guuuurrrl you don't even know" Raven came in the room, in a big scene wearing her pj shorts and a black crew neck with geek written across the chest. I sat up quickly listening to the base she just grew in her voice, sounding like the gossip woman in the hair salon.

The three of them sit on the end of the bed or on the desk swivle chair. Raven continued...

"The players club is the most elite group of guys at this school. 20 of the most gorgeous, fit and fineee looking males between 18-25. Like damn, however they are the most dangerous boys in the school"

"Dangerous? How so?" I asked curiously, wondering how these boys could be 'dangerous'

"They are the ultimate players, they rate girls by look and are notorious for one night stands. But like their leader is a fine brotha" Crystal exclaimed as she stood up and fell back onto the bed.

"Really? What's his name?"

"Deonie, Deonie Michaelis. Or in other words, one of the sexiest men alive" Raven replied as she fanned herself with her hands.

"He is bae. Papi chulo!" Sophie squealed as she laid against the bed.

I stopped for the moment, going back into my memory of yesterday in the elevator. That gorgeous guys... And that name

"I met him" I mumbled softly.

The girls all sat up and looked at me.

"No way! What's he like?" Crystal said as she rolled onto her stomach.

"Charming and sexy as hell. Have any of you had a chance to meet him?"

"I have" Raven said trying to keep her smile hidden. "He's like a sex God. And so is his friend Bryan. When I say they put it down, i really mean they put it dooooooown." she giggled through the entire thing.

We all sat in dead silence before breaking down in laughter like never before. Laughing for about 10 minutes straight, we died down and continued the conversation.

"So have all of y'all all been tackled by a player in the club, or are you guys not single?" I asked questionably.

"I am currently single, and I've never been approached by anybody them because I've learned how to keep myself off the raider by dressing like a Tom boy in public and hanging with the skaters" Crystal said with a shrug

"I've got a boyfriend, so they don't come at me in a sexual way, but I am good friends with a few of them" Sophie pointed out "What about you raven?"

We all looked over at her as she sat silent for a minute.

"Honestly, I've been on dates with half of them and slept with four. It sounds pretty bad but what can I say, I like sex. Not my fault, God shouldn't have made it so amazing if that was the case" she crossed her arms and we all laughed again. "Oh yeah, how about you Miss Elizabeth, what's your sex life like?

"I'm a Virgin, like so virgin that people used to call me Mary" I shrugged and pulled myself back so my back would rest against the wall. The others looked at me for a moment, eyed me over and kept their eyes widened in shock.

"You're lying" Crystal was the first to spit out

"No ma'am"

"Wow girl... We need to get you laid and pronto" Raven said nonchantly

I tried my best not to giggle

"I want my first time with the guy who is able to Steal my heart, cuz you see I don't believe in love. So whatever they try will be new to me"

"Preach girl " praised Sophie.

I smiled and we finished our conversation, then made plans to go out today. Seeing that it was the Saturday before school started, we wanted to go out for lunch or shopping before summer was over.

Everything I learned this morning was boggoling my mind. Sex Gods are jerks, all the girls gets rates, and this campus really knows how to get 'wild'.

Oh and let's not forget the best part, I apparently need to get laid.

Well, judging by everything I know so far I can tell that this place will turn from a dream to a battle field in no time. And now I'm just waiting for the count down to begin

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