Chapter 44| Best night of our lives

Start from the beginning

We make our way to the dance floor with Genevieve and Everett behind us. He rests his hands on my waist and I wrap my hands around his neck. We sway along to the slow song, savoring the moment.

I rest my head against his chest, feeling this instant warmth.

"I hope you don't mind but I got us a room, and before you freak out, we don't have to do anything. I know you'll be tired and I know how much you treasure your sleep." He says low enough for me to hear.

Thank god he can't see my eyes widen. My heart starts to beat faster. I know I bought all that stuff last night but part of me didn't actually expect it to happen.

"No, I um," I fumble around with my words. "I think I want to."

He gently pushes me away, grabbing my hands in his. He looks me in my eyes almost as if he can't believe it. "Are you serious? You know I would never pressure you into anything you don't want to do. Seriously we can just go and knock out."

I kiss his lips, catching him off guard. "I'm sure."

He tries his best to hide his instant excitement yet I can see it.

"Genevieve's throwing a goodbye party the day after graduation and we're going."

He nods, "How do her parents not care?"

I shrug, "Her parents are rarely ever home. They have all the money they want and go on vacations by themselves."

"Alright, everyone! I hate to interrupt but we have a few announcements." One of the head presidents of the student council speaks into the mic.

We walk back to our table as a teacher hands her a few envelopes.

"Welcome graduating class of Greenview High!" She cheered and the room erupted into claps and whistles.

"This is one of our last celebrations as seniors before we head off and start the careers we've been dreaming of!" She grinned.

"Now, let's announce our prom king and queen!!" Everyone starts clapping as she fumbles with the envelopes.

"And your prom queen is," she holds out the slip and says, "Genevieve Cordova!"

The light shines on her while everyone cheers. I give her a nudge as she gets up and starts going up to the stage.

One of the students on the stage places a crown on her, handing her a bouquet.

"And your prom king is," She opens up the second envelope. "Cameron Hudson!"

My eyes widen, immediately darting to Genevieve. She looks like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Oh no." I gulp.

Cameron smirks as he makes his way up the stage with his friends cheering behind him.

Genevieve and Cameron were on and off during junior year. It ended with Cameron cheating on her with a senior at the time named Tiffany. God, I can still remember her platinum blonde hair and the thick coats of lipgloss on her lips.

"Whats oh no? What do you mean by oh no?" Grayson leans in and looks at me with concern.

Once they have their crowns on they wave to the crowd. "And now for their first dance!"

"That's not necessary-" I overhear Genevieve tell her.

Another song starts and Cameron leads Genevieve to the dance floor. He says something to her which results in her storming out of the room. Grayson nods at me to go after her which makes me immediately stand up and rush over to her.

She disappears into the bathroom so I follow behind her.

"Gen!" I sigh in relief once I see her leaning against the sink. She looks down but I can hear her small sniffles.

"Genevieve," I softly say, "I know that was hard out-"

She looks up at me with her mascara running down her cheeks.

"Hey, don't cry!" I quickly grab a paper towel then start dabbing off the mascara before she ruins her makeup.

"He dumps me for a stupid blonde bitch, and when I'm in a happy relationship he tries to hit on me?!" She sniffles, "What a fucking asshole!"

"He is not worth your tears, Gen. I know you loved your makeup today, and your one more tear away from ruining it."

I manage to fix her makeup without ruining anything. 

"Now let's go back out there and enjoy the last hour we have left," I tell her.

We wrap our arms around each other as we make our way back to the banquet hall.

" and Gray-"

"He got us a room." I cut her off. "I'll tell you everything tomorrow."

She tries not to react as we finally get back to our table.

"Let's go dance a few more songs then we can go upstairs," I say in his ear.

He takes my hand as we make our way to the dance floor.

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