26|kenny the ripper

Start from the beginning

Ah, I see. Because it has something to do with food. Alyssa chuckled inwardly, her hands in her pockets. She didn't listen further, she glanced at one of the posters, her eyes widened again in amusement, and she felt her own eye twitch at the sudden enlargement of her eyes. She immediately stopped walking and held the left side of her face, her teeth clenching.

"Oi, are you okay?" Levi asked suddenly concerned. She raised her hand and slowly blinked. "I told you, you shouldn't have worn it again if it makes you uncomfortable." He said in annoyance, clicking his tongue.

"My eyes are different from anyone, Levi." She said in a tired voice, "we'll be catching attention just because of my unique eyes." She muttered in a low voice, and pulled a part of Levi's cloak making him lean closer to Alyssa. She pointed to a poster and muttered to him in a low voice, "Look, that's me."

"Fucking where?" He squinted his eyes, he couldn't see it. The kids were watching the Military police speaking in the middle of the District. Alyssa pointed to the poster she wanted to show him, it was a poster of her and the price she costs when they bring her head to them. "What the fuck?" he cursed, and marched towards the poster ripping it to half and threw it at the ground.

"You shouldn't have done that." Alyssa said chuckling. Levi only glared at her.

"That is nothing to be laughed about, Alyssa." He says, his voice was serious. His eyes were deadly, he was angry at her and he was trying his best not to let his anger shout at his woman. "Seeing and hearing that your woman has a price on her head is not a matter to be laughing about." He says and pointed at the wall where he just ripped off the poster.

"I'm sorry." Alyssa muttered, her gaze softening. She never thought how insensitive she was to him, she never knew that he was that uncomfortable about her having a price in her head. She didn't want to either, she was used to it, and she just laughs it off knowing that she won't be killed by a human. She was confident about it. "I didn't know that it bothered you that much." She said and putting her hand at Levi's angry face, his eyebrows were furrowed.

The kids were watching them carefully. Alyssa glanced at them smiling sheepishly. She turned back to Levi who was still angry at the recent matter. He sighed, releasing his anger, glared at Alyssa watching if she was really sincere about it. His gaze slowly softened. He looked down and removed her hand gently from his face, it wasn't because he didn't want her touch, he didn't want the stares that the kids were giving them.

"Don't do it again." He mutters with a serious voice that Alyssa was clear that he really didn't like it. He glared at the kids who were watching them with such curious eyes.

Why is she used to this? Being called as a monster? She has endured this much that she was now used to it. Levi thought grumpily. Alyssa was looking at him with apologetic eyes.

Levi didn't really want it. For him, his woman having a price in her head was not something to be joked about, he knew already her past, she knew his. Both of them had pasts that are horrible, Levi wanted to forget his past, while Alyssa was just laughing it off while she wore those scars of her as a remembrance.

"It's fine, love." Levi answered her when she kept repeating that she was sorry after calming down.

"Yes, I'm really sorry about it." She muttered, her eyes looking at the back of them. She showed an annoyed expression. She gave them a nudge of her head saying to move forward, she whispered at Levi, "They're behind, moving slowly." She whispered, then she continued whispering at him about a while ago. Levi let out an annoyed expression, but it was fine, they had a fake Historia and Eren with them.

Alyssa nodded at him as a signal. Levi immediately turned to the kids.

"Watch out, behind us!"


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