Lexington: "how am I supposed to trust anyone though?" He asks as Zachariah looks around.

Zachariah: "that's a question I can't answer... Come on, there's much for you to learn." As Lexington reluctantly follows him while Elyria is sitting in a chair watching Lexington.

Alec: "how's he doing?" He asks standing at the doorway.

Elyria: "well he's stopped shaking but he's now talking in his sleep and it's... Weird." As Alec walks over placing his palm on Lexington's head while Lexington in the kindred vision feels this as well.

Alec: "He's... Burning up, and we're in a town where werewolves are getting ready to raid it... Great." He says shaking his head as this situation couldn't possibly get any worse.

Lexington: "someone's touching my head... Definitely not Elyria, her hands are soft like velvet." As Alec and Elyria look at each other with confusion.

Alec: "he can feel during a kindred vision... Good to know." As he heads outside meeting Roxanne. "Please tell me you got something good." He says walking with her.

Roxanne: "well if you define good by getting the stank eye from the mayor and constant silent treatment from the local militia then sure." As Alec shakes his head.

Alec: "lemme handle it, I got a pretty mean backhand." As Roxanne scoffs with amusement while Aiden is back at the safehouse cooking with Elyria looking over Lex who's still talking.

Aiden: "he said Zachariah right?" He asks Elyria who nods but wonders why he's asking. "It sounds familiar... Very familiar." He states as Elyria motions to get to the point. "My point is Lexington may come from a long long line of Huntsman so he might be that state for a long time." He says being honest as Elyria looks back at Lexington.

Elyria: "long line or not... I just hope Lexington gets up soon." As she goes to touch his hand but doesn't. "that fighting style you displayed, it got a name?" She asks trying to make conversation.

Aiden: "Way Of The Flames, technically it's more of a way of dancing but... Fighting and dancing go hand and hand as I've said last night." As Elyria rolls her eyes and once again looks at Lexington. "He'll be okay Elyria, kindred vision's from what I know aren't harmful."

Elyria: "maybe but he's in a very vulnerable state, he's practically werewolf food." She says as she notices that Lexington looks rather peaceful as that reminds her of Fylis. Alec and Roxanne meanwhile are busy talking with the mayor.

Mayor: "like I told your friend here, if there are werewolves then kill them."

Alec: "it's not that easy when there's over 50 of them, you need to ready the militia and have them follow our lead." As the mayor stops in his tracks while laughing.

Mayor: "well then I guess your reputation is nothing but horse shit." As Alec grabs him by his neck lifting him on the ground.

Alec: "I can rip your spine out through your ass if I felt like getting my hands dirty but I don't... So don't test me!" As he sees the local militia of Wolfrun approaching when Roxanne twirls her morningstar whip warning them to not get any closer as Alec puts the mayor down. "If you want yourself and these townsfolk to live then you'll follow my lead." He threatens while intimidating him with his superior height as the mayor reluctantly agrees to this. Meanwhile Elyria is reading while Aiden is busy watching over Lexington.

Elyria: "so... I know why I'm trying to be a Huntress, what about you?" She asks as Aiden turns to her. "I would ask Lexington but... He's out like a baby."

Aiden: "fair enough, I guess I just wanna do something good in the world, put my talents to good use... Boring I know but I'm not a liar... Honest to the gods." He says as Elyria acknowledges as Lexington sighs heavily.

Elyria: "uh oh... Sleeping beauty is mad."

Lexington: "eat a dick..." He says as Elyria and Aiden widen their eyes. "Zachariah."

Elyria: "okay good... Cause if he was talking to me, I would've kicked his ass." As Aiden acknowledges this when Roxanne and Alec arrive.

Roxanne: "how's the lad?" As Aiden just lets Lexington talk.

Lexington: "you know for a priest you're kind of a dick." As Roxanne just nods acknowledging it's about the same.

Alec: "anyway the mayor and the townsfolk are evacuating to the tunnels and you'll be going there as well." As Elyria asks if that includes Lexington. "It especially includes him." He says when Lexington begins muttering about Zachariah which gets both Alec and Roxanne's attention.

Roxanne: "Lexington's in a kindred vision and he's talking about someone named Zachariah... As in the Zachariah to be one of the first Huntsman ever?" She asks as Alec thinks about this.

Alec: "then that means..." He says as both Roxanne and him look at each other as Aiden and Elyria wait for them to answer. Meanwhile Lexington is standing by Zachariah watching the first Huntsman decide on their code.

Lexington: "okay so my bloodline goes back to the first Huntsman fine, I can accept but-" when Zachariah interrupts him.

Zachariah: "it's clear I'm not getting through to you... He's your problem now!" He says snapping his fingers as Lexington is blinded and finds himself falling through the air and lands in a pile of snow.

Lexington: "what... The hell!?" He says sitting up and sees an older woman with blonde hair and teal like eyes. "Which ancestor are you?" He asks as the woman smiles softly.

Woman: "my name is Cora, your grandmother on your father's side." As Lexington realizes what she just said.

Lexington: "grandmother? Then I just skipped over generations of-"

Cora: "I know, I took priority as you and I are more closely related than the other ancestors, I mean you are my grandson." As Lexington acknowledges she has a point as Cora helps him up. "You take a lot after your father though you have your mother's eyes." She says as Lexington is silent as that doesn't mean much to him.

Cora: "right... You've never met your parents, a damn shame but you will eventually." As she and him sit down. "I know all about Robyn Lex and I'm so sorry, losing a loved like you did? I would've swap places with her." She says as Lexington is surprised but knows she's being genuine.

Lexington: "that's nice of you to say grandma but... I'm so lost without her, she gave me purpose and..."

Cora: "she made life worth living?" She asks as Lexington asks how she knows that. "We can read your thoughts Lex, I know what goes on inside there... You don't think you're worth much to this world, especially after what happened to Robyn." She says with care as Lexington looks down.

Lexington: "I should've saved her, what good am I if I couldn't protect the one I loved most?" He asks while tears drop from his eyes hitting the snow.

Cora: "Lex darling... For awhile I didn't have a reason for fighting but once I had your father? All that mattered was that he was safe... That was my reason."

Lexington: "but... It's not that simple, I don't know what I want." As Cora kneels before him.

Cora: "yes you do Lex..." As Lexington looks at her confused. meanwhile Alec is sitting at a large field across a treeline sharpening his sword as he sees the full moon when he hears howling realizing it's starting. He gets up and walks across the field with his sword for monsters in hand while Aiden and Elyria are keeping guard as both are nervous.

Aiden: "any confessions you wanna get out? Now's the time." He says while ready for anything.

Elyria: "well... I always wanted Ryris to have puppies of his own but... He sucks at mating." As Aiden slowly turns his head to her.

Aiden: "we're possibly on the brink of death here and that's your confession?" As Elyria punches him in the side.

Elyria: "shut up..." As Alec is out in the field ready as the werewolves roar in his direction.

Alec: "bring it flea bags." As he drags his fingers across the blade of his sword as it gives iff cold air.

Age Of Huntsman: The Hunter's Call (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now