Alyssa flinched at the venom in his tone.

Emil: Whose to say you egotistical people won't try anything. That's how Melromarc always is. The Royal Family is no different. They lie through their teeth and put the knife into the backs of people who work for them without a second thought!

Hazel: (So true...)

Scottie: Which is why we come in peace with you. But yeah. We do got a motive for showing up. Like I said, if you would listen to us. We do got an offer you can't refuse.

The Black Witch raised an eyebrow in curiosity. An offer they say...

Emil:.....I'm listening...

Scottie: Lock...

Scottie turned to Lock. One good look in his eyes was all it took for the demi-human to understand what Sir Scottie want him to do.

Lock: about Demi-humans. Right?

Emil nodded a little happiness showing on his features.

Emil: I love them. They're all beautiful creatures that didn't deserve the unjustified nature that King put them through. Although I am aware he lost his family to a Hakuko Demi-Human. But that's still no excuse to put all demi-humans. Men, woman, and children in general into imprisonment.

Lock: I agree. So how about...we work together to free them.


Lock: Ever thought of that. It can take just one person to end a war. So how about you help us to put an end to the slavery of demi-humans. In return, you help Sir Scottie in fighting the waves.

Emil:...I don't understand...I thought Lock here was your slave...? Are you sure you're not making him say all this for your accord, Gun Hero?

Scottie: Well...if the boot fits, regardless whether you believe me or not.



A small stare down had went on between them as Emil was trying to read his emotions as if he was searching for anything.

Like maybe a fib or a lie...

He couldn't find anything...

Scottie: What you starting at, Witch Boi? Ya itching for a fight, post cunt?

Alyssa: *Scowls* Sir Scottie!

Scottie: Shut up Lass!

Emil: (Despite his rude nature... It's obvious he's a good person. Though looks can still be deceiving.)

Hazel: So...what's your answer...?

Scottie: Yeah. You could also be a huge help for us. As a black witch, you are able to use dark magic correct?

Emil: Yes...But you do realize dark magic is considerable bad in some countries.

Scottie: True. But not all the time.

Emil: Huh?

Scottie: Some people say the dark side is always far more fun. Back in my world, which I'm aware that you know I'm not from this one. I've never understood some people's insistence on the PC being the good guys.

Lock: (PC? What's that?)

Scottie: Being the bad guys are a lot more fun to play.

Emil: So that's what you're doing right now? You competing aganist the law of Melromarc by being the bad guy. But you're a hero? You're supposed to be on the good side.

Scottie: Yes. But is there's really a good side or a wrong side to anything in this world?


Scottie: Example, if I were to kill strangers at random, loot their bodies and steal their buried treasure like a pirate, am I really the bad guy? Whose to say those random people aren't your typical good guys. What of they're corrupted swindlers? Crooks? Killers? This world is not just black and white. It's gray as well.

Emil smirked at his answer. The Gun Hero is really starting to become intriguing to him.

Emil: I you have been doing your homework, Gun Hero. But yes, you are right. Traditionally, even good witches knew how to cast Black Magic, just many of them chose not to, or only used them in certain circumstances.

Hazel: Yeah. Which is why we need someone like you is capable at performing such magic. Dark magic is all the harmful spells. Casting them gives the sorcerer corruption points which are hard and slow to get rid of and lead to madness. But I get the feeling you have full control of them.

Scottie: Plus. The waves are becoming more stronger. With your capabilities.   Why else did the King want you? This country believes hero will help them...but let's just say there will be a time where the hero doesn't always win...and why play the cliche hero when you could live longer as a bad guy and actually do something that doesn't bind you to unfair rules.


Well color him surprised. He's speechless. He never thought he would be put on the spot like this.

Emil: I see...I've never thought I be negotiated like this.

Scottie: what's your answer now? Are you still going to say no...

Emil: Well...Before I give you my answer.

The Black Witch pulls out his wand and recited a magic spell.


A new and improved crystal ball was now seen on the table.

Scottie: Whoa...

Emil: Now...let's see...

The group watches as Emil looked into the crystal as it begin to glow a lavender color.

Emil: Well well well...Looks like I'm going to need your help after all, Gun Hero...?

Scottie: ...And why is that?

Emil: Our conversation is being watched from prying eyes...

This alerted the group as Scottie burrowed a frown.

Emil: Yes...we got some unwanted company.


A large explosion was soon heard throwing them all besides Emil off guard. Books were sent flying and paper had shredded or burn from the explosion. Scottie quickly grabbed his gun and saw men in familiar metal armor.

It was the King's knights.

Scottie: YOU!

Knight Commander: Well~! So this is where you been hiding, Gun Hero. You and your party are under arrest for conspiring aganist the King and the Church of the three heroes! Surrender traitors or die here!

Scottie swore underneath his breath. They had followed them here!!!

Legacy Of The Gun Hero (Rising Of The Shield Hero OC) (Hiatus)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя