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The plan was easy, the wolves would go distract the pack, the majority of the Cullen's would go out and feed as the others stayed back and took care of Bella and the baby

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The plan was easy, the wolves would go distract the pack, the majority of the Cullen's would go out and feed as the others stayed back and took care of Bella and the baby.

Bella had picked out two names that Riley thought were amazing, much to Edward's demise. Reneesme and E.J. She was so happy that Bella's features were turning more normal and that the baby was doing well.

But when Bella went to have some more blood, the drink dropped to the floor and Bella insisted that she grabbed the drink, leaning over on her own.

Her spine broke backwards and everyone had an immediate reaction to help her, Edward catching her head as she fell to the floor, everyone else had crashed on the floor beside her to help.

"Rosalie, pass the morphine" Edward states sharply after he had laid Bella into Carlisle's bed he had laid out for the birth, and Rosalie handed the needle over to Edward quickly, who injected it into Bella.

"Carlisle said the placenta must've detached" Alice speaks as she had Carlisle on the other end of the phone, and Riley cringed as she knew they had to get the baby out and try and turn Bella as soon as possible, or else they'd both die. "He's coming as fast as he can"

"Then we'll have to do it" Rosalie states, and Riley nods in agreement as she pushed Bella's hair away from her face, trying to sooth the girl as much as she could. Rosalie picked up a knife to get her already, Edward quickly grabbed her wrist.

"Let the morphine spread" Edward responded, and Rosalie's jaw clenched slightly as Athena began to waver her hands over Bella, trying to help them both the best she could do.

"There's no time, he's dying" Rosalie states firmly, glancing at Edward.

"I can help with the pain" Athena adds in, sending a look to Edward. "We need to help them, now"

"Get him out, now!" Bella screams deeply as she struggled, and Riley almost cried at the moment.

Rosalie sticks the knife in as Riley directs Bella's attention away from it, knowing the wolves could hear everything outside. "Listen to me Bella, you're both going to be fine, okay? We're going to make sure you're both fine"

Bella screams in agony as everyone looks away from the scene, apart from Rosalie who focuses and Riley who whispers comforting words to try and help.

Rosalie holds up the knife as blood is on it, and Edward instantly recognised her face. "Rosalie, don't!"

He tackles her for the knife as Riley takes over, having seen people do it on the hospital, Athena sends her cousins an encouraging look as Riley try's to get the baby out, Bella screaming in pain as she fights against Jake, who had moved towards her when Riley moved.

"Alice, her her out of here!" Edward instructs Alice, who drags Rosalie away as Bella screams out her name.

"Change her, you have to change her"

"I can't, not while he's still in there" Edward responds, walking over to help Riley, who seemed to actually be handling it well.

Athena's hands were shaking like mad as she had her eyes clenched shut, peeling away all she had to help save her family, she was loosing a lot of blood quickly and there was only so much Athena could do to comfort a dying person.

"Stay focused, keep your heart beating" Jake keeps his eyes on Bella, as Bella trashes around and screams.

"He's suffocating!!"

Edward leans over and bites down to get the baby out quickly, Riley helping guide him properly as Bella flashes in and out of consciousness, Blood had spread anywhere but Riley kept her mind on the baby.

There was a moment of silence as Edward held up the bloody baby, chuckling lightly as he looked down, it was a moment of joy. Riley let out a breath as a smile appeared on her face at the sight.

"It's a girl" Riley grinned as the baby began to let out a cry, Edward cradling it to his chest as Riley watched with tearful eyes. "Bella, she's got your eyes"

"It's Renesmee." Edward announces to everyone in a soothing voice, looking over at Bella, his eyes full of love as Bella let's out a sigh.

"Beautiful" Bella's broken and tiny voice speaks, Athena calming down with her spells as her eyes were watching the baby girl.

Edward handed over the baby to Bella carefully, who held the baby to her as though her life depended on it, everyone was smiling at the sight, even Athena.

The baby begins to cry again and Edward walks forward to take the baby away, the next few moments were chaos as Rosalie randomly appeared around the corner and Athena began shouting her spells as Bella was slipping.

"Bella, Bells. Hold on for me" Riley cured out from beside her sister, Edward rushing back after handing Renesmee off to Rosalie, who left the room to take care of the baby. "You hear me Bella?"

"Riley, promise you'll take care of each other" Bella says weakly, her eyes shutting as Edward was pumping his hands against her chest to get her breathing again.

"Always!" Riley responds in a shout, before Bella closed her eyes. "Bella?! Bella!!!"

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