"I was just wondering if I can take Eric with me to the orphanage." I blurt out and I watch him frown and clench his jaw.

"Why would you want to do that? We invited the owners to the party." He tells me, raising his brows, waiting for me to elaborate.

"Yeah but I want him to meet the kids." I explain and he shakes his head to himself.

"I'm not so sure that's a good idea." He tells me, doing his best to maintain his composure.

"Um, why not?" I ask, genuinely curious. It's safe there. He can come with me if he wants. I don't mind.

"Because I can vividly recall what happened the last time you went to that place." He hisses in an angry tone, clearly losing his temper.

I can't believe he still remembers that. It's totally slipped my mind and I forgot it even happened. He's referring to the time where Jackson attempted to kiss me.

"But I'm not going there to see Jackson, I just want the kids to meet Eric. He needs some friends to play with anyways." I argue, wanting him to understand.

"I said no, Aurora. My decision is final." He answers in a firm tone. My chest tightens as I watch his angry face scowling at me.

"Okay." I pout, nodding to myself. "I-I have to go." I mutter as my voice cracks.

"Aurora." He sighs, rubbing on his temple. "Eric's probably up from his nap." I tell him, feeling tears threatening to escape my eyes as I turn around and walk out.

"Aurora." He calls on me louder but I don't respond...

Tristan's POV:

"Fuck." I mutter to myself, leaning back on my chair, harshly gripping the leather on the arm rest.

This is exactly what I didn't want. I hate seeing her upset and even worse, making her upset. I just don't want her going to that place but I have to realize it's not always about what I want. She and Eric need the change of scenery anyways but if she's going there, then I'm going to have to do something first.

I stand up from my seat, grabbing my suit jacket and my keys and stride out of the study. I head downstairs and outside the house. I get into one of the cars and drive away.

This is something I needed to do a long time ago but I just figured she wouldn't want to go to that place anymore. But she wants to and there's no way I'm not going to make that happen for her.


I grit my teeth as I continue driving towards my destination: that place Aurora likes to visit so much. The place where a man named Jackson tried kissing her.

Fuck, just that thought makes me want to murder him with my bare hands. There is nothing more I hate than when men make moves on my wife. I fucking detest it.

The old me would have forbidden her to go but I just can't do that to her. She needs to know she has my full trust. I don't trust anyone but her. And I have to prove it to get somehow. To show her I've changed and that she's not to blame for the way other people treat her.

Although, I haven't changed to the point where I'll just forgive the men that try to get to her. Fuck, no. I still enjoy fucking up any man who dares approach her. And this time is no different.

Arriving at the building, I pull up, stepping out my car and closing the door behind me.

I step inside and look around. The place is rather quiet. Suddenly, I see him step out and march over towards me. "Hello, how may I help you?"

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