Chapter 5

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Prim's POV

I leave the Hawthorne family house, feeling sorry and uncomfortable. I understand that Rory is angry but why did he take it out on me? He is usually so gentle with his words but he was practically shouting at me. I shake it off, and set off to other homes. I walk along the edge of the Seam, borderline between the Seam homes and the merchant homes. It is the night after the reaping and surely everyone is celebrating the fact their child hasn't been chosen today.

About an hour later, I have knocked on several doors and nobody donates. Of course. They do not think Katniss and Gale are worth their precious money. The sun is saying goodbye, and my mother will be expecting me soon. I decide to make one more stop, someone who may donate. The baker.

The baker was always kind to me, and he treated me like a daughter. Sometimes, because he traded a lot with Katniss, he would give me a free loaf of bread every once in a while. I love staring at the cakes in the bakery with Katniss, because they are so pretty and Katniss needs pretty, frivolous things to calm her wild mind. I always see Peeta, the baker's son, staring at my sister when we go, which I think is really creepy and odd.

Anyway, I climb the steps to the front door, hoping the baker's wife isn't there. I remember Katniss telling me that she is very witch-like and has no heart. I have never talked with her before but I am always nervous. I knock on the door peeking through the peephole. When I stick my eye on the tiny window, there is another blue eye that meets mine.
"Aackk!!!" I yelp in surprise. Eyes aren't a scary matter but when you see another eye up close, it is freaky! "Aaackk!" I yell again even though I am over the shock.

The door opens slowly and creakily, and I am greeted by Peeta, the subject of gossip at school, the strong baker's son, the creepy stalker-ish person of Katniss. "Oh! Sorry!" He apologizes. "Primrose, right?" I only nod, because how can I trust the boy who probably is a secret serial killer and his next target was my sister?! Peeta speaks again. "Hi, Primrose. Do you need anything? We just baked a fresh batch of bread." The scent of the bread wafts through the air and seeps into my skin, and distractedly, I nod yes.
"Great! Come on in!" I follow him like a robot, the heavenly aroma hypnotizing me. Finally, when I see the baker's wife, I snap out of my magical trance.
"Uh, actually, sorry, but I think I will take the bread some other time..." I say shyly. To my surprise, the wife speaks up quickly.
"Oh! Hello, dear. I am Peeta's mother. I am very sorry your sister was chosen today. Why don't you take some bread? It's on us." Katniss was wrong! Katniss was really, really wrong! This woman is being so kind to me and her green eyes twinkle in the lamplight. The wrinkles on her forehead and her graying black hair makes her look like a sweet old woman. I smile and accept their kind offer.
"Well, if you're not here for bread, what are you here for?" Peeta asks suspiciously.
"Um, I was going to ask you... Well, uh, since Katniss is in the games-"
"Katniss?! Did you say Katniss?!" Peeta exclaims. I look questioningly to him. "I mean, go on. Uh... Just pretend I didn't say that." He mutters.
"Well since Katniss is going into the Games and my mother and I both think she has a real shot at coming home-"
"You bet she does!" Peeta interrupts once again. His cheeks turn a light shade of pink. "Sorry. Keep going."
"We-ell..." I say, dragging the word out, giving a pointed look to Peeta. "My mother and I believe in Katniss and we came up with the idea of a project to raise money for her. You send the money to the Capitol and Haymitch uses it to buy what they need in times of emergency." I explain. I expect a yes, but Peeta gives me a "YES!!!" Both me and his mother jump back because he shouts in both our ears.
"Oops!" Poor Peeta he is so caught up in creeping on Katniss he is embarrassing himself. His mother smiles at me knowingly. Huh? Why did she do that? Does she know Peeta is stalking Katniss or something?
"Here, Primrose." Mrs. Mellark says kindly, placing a small stack of paper money in my hand. I glance at it, trying not to seem greedy. My eyes nearly pop out of my skull when I see that her and Peeta have given me stacks of twenties! Having a lot of money is rare in District 12, even if you are a merchant family.
"Oh my goodness! Thank you so much. This is incredible!" I gush. Peeta grins and I notice that he and I really do look alike. If I lived in the wealthier area of District 12, we could pass for brother and sister. He leads me back to the door and bids me farewell. I am so excited to see my mother's reaction when she sees how much the Mellark family has given us. I run home, my lungs threatening to burst, and I can hardly contain my excitement.

Hey! Hope you guys liked this chapter. I might post double today. The next chapter will be back to Katniss's point of view. Wow! The Mellark's are rich! And Peeta is a crazy stalker! Haha. If you are reading this, thank you so much! Love you all. Byeeee;) <3

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