Chapter 53

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Prims POV

It has been a month and a half since Katniss and Gale came home, and Katniss was too busy with Peeta and the show to even think about Levia and her nightmares, really. Over time, Katniss and Peeta became good friends. Every spare moment she had was spent with either Peeta or me. Effie and Cinna went back to the Capitol to prepare everything for the upcoming Victory Tour, and the reality show was popular as ever. Every episode received millions of hits in just a few days of it's airing. Everything is going well and smoothly, even school! Katniss went to the school and challenged the principal, teachers, and students, and now I don't really get bullied all that much. Still people will tease me and say mean things, but it's getting better, I think.

It's all rainbows and glitter, and I am so excited to see Katniss's outfits for the Victory Tour. Every year, (if it's a female victor) they have a new, gorgeous ensemble for each night. Then after the Tour, they give each outfit to a different friend/cousin/sister, as a tradition. Katniss told me I could have some when I grow older! To top it all off, Katniss invited us to go along with her!! (By us, I mean me, Mother, the Mellark's and the Hawthorne's) Words cannot explain how excited and overjoyed I am about this whole affair. We're not allowed to travel, unless granted permission by the Capitol, and A;HSDFLJASD;LJAIE it's going to be wonderful. And Peeta is coming too!! Much to Sali's disappointment, Mrs. Mellark said he had to stay to work in the bakery. Come to think of it, I never really saw the baker. Actually, never. I wonder where he was all the time.

The reality show is getting quite dramatic, to be honest. I don't even know how President Snow thinks it's a good idea to calm Panem. It seems like the show is only making everything worse. Secret sources are feeding information to Katniss and Haymitch about this "revolution" and it's not going well. Nearly half the districts are rebelling, and the others are either too scared, too small, or too attached to the Capitol.

Anyway, Lessa and Lunia insisted on bringing Peeta into the show. So now, they're having Katniss be in a secret relationship with Peeta, behind Gale's back. I think Peeta is enjoying it the least. Every time he gets called up, he frowns ever so slightly, then trudges over. But it's good that Katniss and Peeta get to spend time together, even if it is fake. But Peeta wants it to be real.

But then again, perhaps it is real. Katniss and Peeta are attached by the hip basically, and Gale grows more jealous day by day. As far as I know, Peeta has shown Katniss how to bake and paint, and Katniss brought him into the woods. Sali and I gossip about them quite a bit.

One thing I am not so sure about is the fact that the Hawthorne's are going along on the Victory Tour. I mean, they are related to Gale and all, but it kind of ruined everything. Rory, Vick and I hate eachother, and poor Posy has not a clue about what is happening. She's a lucky girl, she probably is the youngest person to travel in Panem! Hazelle is nice enough, but I'm sure she's weary of me after the incident. Too bad the Hawthorne's also moved into Victor's Village. I just might have to put cake in their new beds.

"Prim!" I see a sweaty Peeta running my way. "Do you know where everyone is? Lessa said I needed to be 'on set' in five minutes and I haven't got a clue of where to go!" I laugh. Funia isn't going to pleased with Peeta's flushed face and damp hair. I am walking into town to pick up some bones for Lucky and Peter. The butcher said he'd give us the bones. Creepy, but beneficial I guess.

"I don't know where they are, but I overheard them talking about how they want Gale to find you and Katniss in the bakery?" Which is true. They want Peeta and Katniss to be acting all 'coupley' and 'cute' when Gale storms in on them. Peeta thanks me, then sprints off.


"Here, Peter, here Lucky." I call. I call for the dogs, clicking my tongue. "Come on!" They are nowhere to be seen, so I go upstairs. I hear shuffling and some commotion coming from Katniss's room. I peek my head in and there are the two lean animals, tearing everything apart. Their eyes are glowing red, and their ears have turned into some metal devices. It almost seems like they're searching for something. Afraid, I quietly tiptoe back out and wait for a moment to pass.

"Peter! Lucky! I have something for you!" I call again. This time, the dogs bound out happily and I give them their treat. I go back into Katniss's large room again, and it's neat and tidy. I glance back at the innocent creatures licking their treats, then back at the room. Something fishy was happening, and I intended to find out.

Yes I know terrible ending but whatever. sorry for not updating in like two weeks. i went on vacation lol and yesterday i went to the beach so that was fun! anyway ily.


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