Chapter 25

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Prims POV

I squealwhen I see Katniss find the cake. Peeta, Sali and I spent hours on it! Well, acutally, only Peeta and Sali did it I barely even did anything! But it was such a great thing to see Katniss's face light up. I stood by as Sali and dPeeta mostly painted the beautiful flames on the cake. It was a small thing, about five inches in diameter and four inches high. The bottom of the cake was colored in smoky black frosting, and it gradually transformed into a blazing fire. Peeta iced on the side: From Prim, Peeta, and Sali.

I see Katniss's delight turn into confusion.

"Does she even know who you are?!" I laugh at Sali.

"I don't think so. But look at her face! It is so funny." I stare at the screen adn Katniss's face makes me burst into another fit of laughter. She looks so genuinely puzzled at Sali's name that it is hard not to laugh. Now everyone is laughing even Peeta and my mother!

Katniss also pulls two dolls out and when she does, my mother gasps and slaps her hands over her mouth.

"What's wrong MOther?" I ask.

"oh, nothing, nothing. Those dolls, they are so familiar though." I don't question it, because I can see Katniss loves the dolls.

Katniss snuggles back in the sleeping bag with Gale and both Sali and I make fake gagging noises. Peeta, as usual, is silent.

"Peeta," I poke him. "Katniss loves our cake!" He nods, his eyes bright. I can practically feel his hopes rocketing through the rooftop. Then, it plummets, down to the ground when I hear Gale mutter something.

"Only one person could have made that..." I distort my face which might have made everyone laugh if Gale hadn't said what he did. The he goes on about how he knows Peeta is trouble (which makes Mrs. Mellark raise her eyebrows) and blah blah. Katniss comes to the rescue by arguing back, and Sali smiles smugly. Then they go backand forth arguing.

"There's the katniss we all know and love!" I say, maybe more for my sake than Peeta's. Katniss has been aacting so unlike herself in the games, trying to prove to the viewers that Gale and her are lovers. This is the Katniss I know, the one who is stubborn and kinda grouchy but protecting and caring.

"Sorry GAle." My sister apologizes. Hey, Katniss never aplogizes. Except to me. As if my mother read my mind, she furrows her eyebrows in confusio.

"It is so obviously an act." I roll my eyes. "Gosh, Katniss is so bad at acting! Hopefully the rest of the audience are stupid to not get it." Mother glares at me for saying 'stupid' because those kind of words are pretty much forbidden at my home. But of course, the kids at school always say that to me, and worse. I haven't even been at school this week, and Peeta too. "Peeta, it is so obviously an act." I repeat, trying to stir some life out of him. His eyes don't sparkle anymore, they just look kind of... sad...

"That is when I realized I was yours." Gale smiles down at Katniss, and she squeezes a smile out. She buries her head into the sleeping bag, and I know why. I know her better than anyone, and she did that because she didn't want the camerras to see her face.

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