Chapter 36

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Katniss POV
All I remembered is that I jumped... Why am I in this white room? Where is Gale? Where is Levia? What happened to the mutts? Shouldn't I be dead? Doesn't Snow want me dead? Are Prim and my mother okay? Is the boy with the bread okay? Boy with the bread? Why did I think of him? I think I saw a dandelion when I jumped off the tree. And that's all I can think about before I fall back into unconsciousness.

Prims POV (this was before President Snow's POV and Katniss POV)

I screamed from the dreams. I screamed at the mean schoolchildren. I screamed because my father died. I screamed because my mother became distant and unreachable. I screamed because I couldn't get the correct answer to the arithmetic problem. I screamed because Buttercup ran away. I screamed because Katniss volunteered for me at the Games. I screamed because she was in the arena. And now, I scream because my dear sister, the one who protected me and fed me and cared for me, and sang me to sleep and scared the nighttime monsters away, decides to kill herself. She could've won. But she takes a flying leap, literally, into a world of unknown.

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