Chapter 3

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Wow. This is crazy. I do remember Levia. When we were little we would always play and sing and put on pretend plays for our parents. I also remember the day she died, only she didn't die! It's great news, but I'm sure Levia would rather be dead than be a slave to the Capitol. I know I would. Levia will never be able to sing again. She was a very good singer, and she resembles my mother. I hear Effie calling me to dinner. Shocked, I shove the paper in my dress pocket and walk out.

I arrive at the dinner table, and to my disappointment there is no food on it. Hopefully they will serve us soon. I am famished, since I had been too scared to eat this morning. I sit down next to Gale.

"Hey." I greet him.

"Hey." He answers flatly. There isn't much to say. Effie is chattering away to no one in particular and Haymitch is drunk.

"Oh! The food is coming!" Effie exclaims. Now this perks me up. I wonder what food the Capitol has in store for us. We better get tasty food if we are being forced to die. Another Avox, thankfully not Levia, comes to me with a bowl of orange soup. I tentatively take a sip. It's creamy and tastes of pumpkin. I quickly slurp up the rest. I look up finally, to see that Gale has done the same thing. Effie gazes at us sadly.

"What's wrong, Effie?" Gale asks.

"It's, it's just that I feel so terrible you never had enough to eat, and you never had anything special to look forward to. Why, I would comment on your table manners but you obviously have never had enough to eat! Dears, if you win the games, you will have all the food and drink you desire, attend fantabulous parties and wear pretty clothes. I am so sorry to see you wear that plain black thing! It is horrid!" Effie says in one breath. I only chuckle instead of getting angry.

Effie announces the next course as something called "curry". I eat sloppily, licking my lips obnoxiously as Gale laughs. The meal is excellent, and I am actually enjoying myself until dessert comes. It is a substance they call ice cream, with fresh berries on top. Yum. Then I see that Levia is holding the tray of ice cream bowls. She avoids me and hands out the bowls without eye contact. I uncomfortably eat the treat which is cold and sweet, but I can't keep my mind off my silent, tongueless cousin.

Effie wants to talk but I escape to my room. Besides, it's not like she is going to give us advice on helping us stay alive. She probably only wanted to tell me and Gale about a new room that opened up in the train, or the story of the day her mother let her wear makeup. Also, I am eager to talk-or write with Levia. All these years I thought Levia was dead, and suddenly she is thrown back t me. Fate, apparently, is an odd thing. When I enter the room, Levia is already there, smoothing my bedsheets.

"Levia!" I say excitedly. I expect a smile, but she glares at me. Oh right, I am not supposed to talk to her unless it is an order. "Avox, go clean my table!" I bark and Levia finally smiles. "Bring me paper and pen!" I yell to her. She hurries away then returns with a ream of crisp paper and a canister of pens. I snatch the supplies from her, scurry to the antique desk, and set everything down impatiently. "Levia! I cannot believe it's you! I remember you and all this time I thought you were dead! I love you so much too. It's amazing to see you. I am so sorry about your condition but..." I envelope her in a hug. I hope she knows I save my affection for very special people only.

Levia's blue eyes flicker to my bedroom door, as if she knows someone is watching. She lifts her finger up to quiet me. I faintly hear footsteps wallking away from the door. My pretty cousin scribbles on the paper.

Katniss, I am so glad you remember me and all the fun we shared. I am truly sorry if my "death" caused lots of pain and grief. I did something terrible, and to tell my family and friends, a death story is much better than the truth. I know you will do well in the Hunger Games. You always had that spark, and while I cannot say you will win, I can say you have a good chance. You will do very well. Now I must return to my job as a servant because someone is waiting for you outside your door.

I smile at Levia then go open the heavy door. I see Gale then foolishly begin talking. "Hey Gale! Do you remember-" I am interrupted when Levia purposely trips me. Oops. Forgot I was supposed to keep this a secret! Gale and I walk together, talking about old memories. In this moment, I think about how crazy and difficult it would be to kill Gale if it came down to that. I must at least try in the Games for Prim, and now Levia. I wonder how Prim and my mother are doing now...

Hi readers! I am glad you are all enjoying the story. Sorry if there are grammatical errors or anything like that. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I will try my best to update everyday and make it as good as I can! Beware, I will be switching points of view several times throughout the book, so do not be confused. Thank you all! Good night!!!;)

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