Chapter 15

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Prims POV

Let the 74th annual Hunger Games begin! Caesar Flickerman's voice booms. I am standing in the arena with twenty three other tributes, who are all the same age as me. One of them is Rue Avila, one of them is Rory, and they all look terrified. I am so puzzled but all I know is that I must get out alive to make it back home, to Katniss and my mother. The Cornucopia doesn't gleam, because it is dark as night. The air is cold and my teeth are chattering violently, but I can't stop the horrid thoughts that stream through my mind. I recall all the profanity I accidentally learned from Katniss and the other schoolchildren and recite all of them under my breath. The gong rings loudly, and I run to the Cornucopia, knowing in my heart I have to get my hands on a weapon and kill the other twelve year olds. I snatch a backpack and a knife. I know I am incompetent with the weapon but I throw it at the nearest tribute, which happens to be a girl with green eyes. I watch her slump to the ground instantly. I am vaguely aware of a cannon booming in the distance as I take out the bloody knife from the girl's neck and throw it at the next upcoming tribute. The tribute is Rue Avila. I have no concern for her death, only that I musthave to kill twenty-one more tributes to go home. I grab a spear and surprisingly hurl it into the boy's heart. I realize it is Rory! Rory has only enough time to send a blood curdling scream before the cannon goes off, signaling his death.

I jolt awake, freaked out by my nightmare. In my dream I easily killed all three of those tributes, without a second thought or glance. I even thrust that spear into Rory! Rory who sometimes defended me from the bullies, who I spent a lot of my younger childhood with, Rory who was my partner for many of the school activites, Rory who wasn't hesitant to grab my hand while we watched the bloodbath of the games. I am changing into an evil, heartless girl!

Yesterday I watched Katniss hurdle straight into the bloodbath to retrieve the goods that lay before them. I am just glad that Katniss survived the first day. Cato, Clove, Gale and her make a good team. Cato must have killed many tributes with his spear, just as easily as I did in my dream. Clove had an array of knives she placed strategically in her jacket, and I bet the knives are now coated in blood. Thank god, Katniss got her bow. She picked off a few kids, injuring some and killing some. Gale just used whatever leftover weapons there were, and turns out, he is really good with that sword.

I stood by with Rory, watching our siblings and their new friends kill people heartlessly. Can Katniss afford to not change? Surely not. If she cried over every death that occured, the group would be a hot mess.

I have to go to school today, but I tell Mother I feel sick, and she lets me off the hook. I am sure she knows how I feel, with her best friend reaped and all. Mother goes out to talk to Hazelle and I tag along. After, we must watch the games. I must admit I am eager to watch the program because I want to see how well Katniss is doing.

Hazelle opens the door for us warmly, and when I step inside the small cottage smells nice and cozy, like cinnamon. She offers us breakfast, but since we know how little the Hawthorne's have we decline. Well actually my mother made me decline before Hazelle heard my stomach rumbling in despair. Rory, Vick, and Posy are all home, too, probably faking "sick".

"Hi Prim."

"Hi Rory." I mean to tell him more things, maybe thank him or something, but after my dream I just can't.

"Gale and Katniss are still alive." He tells me.

"I know. They make a good team. I wonder if Gale likes Katniss?" I blurt.

"Judging by his interview and the way he acted so embarrassed I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say yes." Rory laughs. I laugh too, because it has been such a dark time lately.

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