Chapter 34

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Prims POV

I don't know what is worse, watching Katniss and Levia being chased by the creatures or watching my mother fall off her chair because she fainted. Mrs. Mellark drops down to see if there is any heartbeat, but starts panicking.

"She was the healer! She was our doctor! What do I do? What do I do?!" I know what to do. I may not have inherited my dad's traits but I inherited my mother and her healing hands. I spent most of my life learning from my mother, and I knew what to do when someone fainted. This was an especially easy task.

"Mrs. Mellark, please step away. I know what to do." Peeta's mom backs off slowly, uncertainly, her breath uneven. I check for my mother's heartbeat. I can hear it, slow and soft, a low thud every two seconds. "She probably fainted from shock," I analyze. After all my mother has been through, first losing her best friend in the Games, then her sister, then her niece, then her husband, and now Katniss, no wonder she fainted. I just couldn't even imagine what she went through! "I think we should just wait. I'm pretty sure she fainted from shock. We could try shaking her or splashing cold water on her but it would be best to just wait." Peeta reaches out to my mom but I stop him. "Just leave her alone for awhile. She needs the rest. Just think of it as sleeping." I instruct. My mother looks so peaceful for some reason, lying on the ground. She actually looks younger, and really pretty. Her skin looks brighter, unlike the pale, sickly color that she usually has. Her long blond hair is strewn around her, like a golden halo and her lips are upturned in a little smile, as if she's dreaming about something pleasant. All of us are so distracted by my mother, that we don't notice what's going on on the screen at all.

Katniss POV
Levia fell. But she's not dead? I scamper down the tree, about twenty feet high. Levia is crumpled on the ground, but she's not dead. A low moan escapes her mouth. The beasts don't even give a second glance at the poor girl. Levia had fallen onto one of the beasts. All that one does is lick its sleek gold fur and shake its thick mane, like it was such a normal thing for girls to fall out of trees onto them. After the confusion with Levia, the beasts continue to attempt to leap at the tree. Why aren't they attacking Levia? She's the perfect target, right next to them and unable to move. It's all so confusing.

Maybe the creatures have human feelings and felt bad for us so they didn't kill us. Then I hear another noise, something different than the growling of the beasts. Like, foosteps.

"Katniss! Katniss!" Gale!

"Gale! I'm right here!" That was obviously the wrong thing to say because one of the animals pounce back and leap high into the air and lands onto the branch five feet away from me. I scramble up, up, up, as high as I possibly can. I don't even check to see if it is behind me or not. Soon, I can feel the breeze. The thick trunk I was once clinging to is now a thin, swaying branch. I don't know what to do, I can't go up, and the creature is beneath me, baring its sharp teeth viciously.

"Katniss!" I can hear Gale's faint voice. "It's a lion!" And I take a split second to look down. Gale is helping Levia up and the lions, or whatever they're called, are ignoring them. Gale walks over to a lion and waves his hand in front of it. The brilliant mutt just blinks a few times and climbs onto the tree too. The lion is creeping closer, and I am stuck.

"Katniss! Jump!" Is Gale crazy?!! Perhaps the struggle of the Games made him mad. Well, I don't know if I should be talking, I might not be entirely sane either. Jump?! Although it sounds like the more pleasant option, if I had to decide between a quick suicide or a long, bloody death by the lion.

It all comes to me suddenly. Gale is telling me to jump to the tree next to me. I leap the three foot gap, and wrap my arms tightly around the thin wood. I continue leaping from tree to tree, like a monkey. The lion follows me. It becomes an endless game. Then, as I turn my head ever so slightly, there is a long, long trail of genetic mutated lions following me, only a few trees behind. And another realization hits me. They are normal lions. Except they are mutated to hunt down me. And that's why they didn't bother with Gale or Levia. And that's why I'm being chased by all the lions. And that's why I will die soon. And that's why I choose the simpler death, not the long one.

HI! Wow, I am five away from 700 reads!!!! I am soooo happy. I can't thank you guys enough! and this chapter is super boring and bad and dramatic. okie. anyway i found a new obsession with 5sos cause they are bae. I FINALLY GOT NEW ARROWS so i spent the whole day strengthening my inner katniss muahaha yay. suggestions? comments? kik me at yellowflickerbeatswift04 (ya like my name haha) anyway tysm i cant even rn.
~sugarsweetswiftie aka Jamie:)

The Boy With The BreadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora