Chapter 48

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Katniss POV
After the picnic with Prim, I go to the study to gather some forms the Capitol had sent me. Apparently being victor comes with a lot of paperwork. When I open the heavy door, I immediately see the pile of papers strewn across the mahogany desk, but I also see a cream colored envelope placed neatly in the middle of the mess. I cautiously walk towards it, as if it could be an explosive.

The envelope is a pearly white, giving it the creamy look, and is stamped with the Capitol symbol. Probably just a letter from my prep team or something. I carefully open it, and slide out the folded white letter, that reeks of roses. Snow. Nervously, I read it.

Dear Katniss Everdeen,
I hope you are enjoying your new home. I made sure it would be comfortable and luxurious especially for you. Anyway, I want to alert you about Panem's well being. Unrest in the districts is continuing, and it's because of you. (Although you already know that my dear.) Unfortunately, there aren't many interviews or tours that will be going on very soon, so I have decided to schedule a reality show before the Victory Tour. It will revolve around you and Gale's love life as well as your home lives, so don't do anything illegal. You're wealthy enough to buy your own meat, I presume. Anyway, a crew from the Capitol will come down to 12 in a week and start filming you, telling you what to do, etc. I also have sent you a gift, which should arrive soon. I hope you and Gale make up, you two are a wonderful couple. Levia is in good hands, if you were wondering.

President Coriolanus Snow

P.S. I have eyes everywhere.

What?! I thought I would be able to live my life in peace. Well, not really but a reality show? I hardly even watch TV! And I can't act, because surely I'll have to pretend to be in love with Gale. Does Gale know about this? I thought maybe I'd just have a few months of peace before the Victory Tour, but no. Of course not. My life is being Capitol-ized. Fancy food, relationships, clothes, home, and now a show? And 'I have eyes everywhere'. He's watching me? What if he's watching me while I sleep? Or shower? Or hunt? Now I can't go hunting? ARGH.

I spend a few hours cooped up in my room, afraid to do anything else. Pacing back and forth, bonking my head against the walls and screaming into my pillows doesn't do much good. It won't make the media go away, or the Hunger Games. But I'm fine with it. Eventually, the doorbell rings and I assume it's Cinna. I am definitely not in the mood to enjoy a dinner with Cinna and Effie. I hear Prim and Cinna converse a bit, and I get the courage to leave my room.

I run down the stairs and into Cinna's open arms. I hide my face in his chest for a half second before dragging him back upstairs to the study, which is still inhabited by the mess of papers.

"Cinna!" I choke out everything and show him the letter.

"Oh my goodness, Katniss. What have you gotten yourself into?" I shrug because I don't know. Cinna envelopes me into a hug and I just sigh. "Okay Katniss, first things first, you're gonna have to act for the cameras okay? You did well earlier so I expect your best efforts."

"But I'm a bad actress everyone says."

"Just try your best. I'm sure Gale will help you out alright? Then don't hesitate to gush about the Capitol and President Snow's gift. I wonder what it is. Anyway, I'll be with you every step of the way, okay? Don't worry, and you can talk to me whenever." I nod slowly.

"But what will happen when the show begins? I won't be able to do anything I want, or spend time with anyone or ANYTHING!" Cinna pats my head and smiles.

"I think you're hungry. Let's eat, and worry about this later, yeah?" I sigh in defeat and trudge downstairs where Prim waits anxiously.

"Is everything okay?" She questions.

I plaster on a smile that hopefully convinces her. "Yeah! I thought something was wrong but it was a mistake. You know, kinks in the Victory Tour and everything." Prim exhales and grins.

"I don't think Effie is coming so let's eat, shall we?"


Dinner was quite delicious, and I told Prim and my mother about the news of the reality show. They were undoubtedly excited. To 'celebrate', we ate ice cream for dessert, which was specially shipped here for me. Cinna and Prim kept me laughing and talking the whole time, and it might be the only good time I'll ever have.

It was late, and my mind's pondering over Snow's letter. I keep tossing and turning in bed, unfortunately for Prim. But she's sound asleep. It might be my imagination but I hear whimpering downstairs. Careful not to wake Prim, I slip out of bed, slide on my father's hunting jacket and fetch my game bag. I tiptoe downstairs and the whimpering gets louder and louder. I crack open our front door and in front of me is a large cardboard box with holes in it, with the Capitol seal stamped onto the top. The whimpers cease as I open the lid of the box. Two young dogs sit, their tongues hanging out of their mouths and their fur glinting in the moonlight. A paper hides underneath them and it reads, "FROM PRESIDENT CORIOLANUS SNOW". This must be the gift! Finally one good thing. The dogs are adorable! They are long and lean, and the first one is a golden color and the second is dark brown. [they are greyhounds in case you were wondering] The golden one hops out and licks my hand, and the second one cowers in the corner of the brown box. I smile and pet both of them.

It's dark and late, but I don't stop to go into the woods with my new pets. Or comrades. I'd always wanted a hunting dog, and now I have two. Might as well go into the woods now, before I can't go anymore. I name the golden one Peter and the chocolaty one Lucky. I retrieve my bow and arrows from the log and head deeper into the trees. The dogs follow me, and pick up a few nocturnal animals here and there.

We arrive at the clearing where Gale and I always sat, and I sit on the rock talking to Peter and Lucky. A silhouette of a person appears behind a tree and says my name. I snap my head up, and so do Peter and Lucky. The two dogs growl at the shadow menacingly.

"It's me, Peeta."

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