Chapter 30

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Prims POV

Oh. My. Goodness. Katniss just killed the last tribute. My eyes feel like they are bulging out of their sockets as I grab Peeta's arm and shake my mother. "She killed the last tribute!! Yayayayayya!" I dance and hop and shout and all sorts of weird celebratory things. I only get confused and somewhat horrified looks. I face the screen again. Rue is dying too. I would have loved to meet her. She seems wonderful. And as if she echoed my thoughts, Rue says the same thing about me.

After a dramatic scene with Rue, Katniss does something totally unexpected. She sings. I haven't heard her sing in forever. I love her voice, it's so clear and high and just overall amazing. All the birds stop to listen when she sings, like they did with my father. She sings Rue the meadow song, the one she used to sing to me all the time when I was little and had nightmares. When Katniss finishes the last verse, tears spring to my eyes and I suddenly feel embarrassed at my behavior just minutes before. Rue's cannon fires and Katniss gives Rue one last kiss on her cheek, and leaves.

But then she comes back! Just as the claw is about to pick Rue's body up, Katniss lifts her head high. Her face is wet but defiant.

"People of Panem, do you see how unfair this is? Twenty three innocent children get killed every year. My friend Rue just died, not by the hands of the boy, but by the hands of the Capitol." My mother gasps a little 'no'. And Peeta's face turns a ghastly white.

"W-what's wrong?" I ask timidly.

Sali speaks up. "Prim, eveything your sister is saying is true, but she will pay for those words. She will not be pardoned for this speech. President Snow won't tolerate it. Also, there's still one more tribute left." Oh. Right. Gale. Ugh. Katniss goes on, despite my desperate telepathy skills. Not that I have any.

"Panem, do we really think we are safe? That we are going to live a happy little life if only we don't get reaped? NO! If you aren't reaped, you're sibling will be. Or your very own child. How terrible would it be to watch your beautiful child get slaughtered on T.V.? My mother is probably going through so much pain right now, and imagine what the other families, the families with dead children feel! And then, you'll say, 'At least its' only 24 children. At least there's a victor', and you're right. But do you know how much pain and suffering the victor goes through? Seeing all those terrible sights and knowing you killed innocent children, as a child, those thoughts will never leave you. You'll be haunted every moment of your life, no matter the riches and no matter the fame. Take Haymitch, my mentor. He stayed sober just long enough to mento us. Imagine the hell he goes through every year, mentoring two kids who you become fond with, only to see them die. Year after year, plus the atrocities of the Games. People of Panem, if we don't take a stand, we'll be left helpless, just slaves of the Capitol, sending our beloved every year to die. Think about it." Before Katniss can close your mouth, a hovercraft comes, lands on the ground. A large door opens and a pair of white-gloved hands shove a pretty blond girl out. The girl has the same blond hair and emerald green eyes as Glimmer, but right off, I can tell she is an intelligent, wise and caring girl.

"I knew it!" My mother gasped again. "Oh my goodness..."

"What? Who is that girl? That's not Glimmer right?" I blabber nervously.

"Prim, you don't know her. I do. I'll explain later."

Peeta jumps in. "I remember her! Levia Abernathy, right? We were in the same class when we were young. Didn't she die?" He sounds confused, but I'm proud of him for talking. He has been so silent these past few days.

"Yes...Wait, NO! Levia Daymont." My mother practically screams at Peeta, who shrinks back. "Levia Daymont..." Mrs. Mellark leaves the room to go fetch some tea for all of us, as we all turn back to the screen.

Omg ok hi guyssss!:) so okay, Levia is back in the story gasp! levia abernathy? ooh cliffhanger muahaha. hope you enjoyed reading:) these next few weeks im going to be really busy, preparing for state testings and actually doing the state testings yay k byeeee:)
~sugarsweetswiftie aka jamie:)

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