Chapter 37

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Katniss POV
If I am alive, then that means Levia and Gale are dead. No. I told myself I would protect Rue, and she died. I told myself I would protect Clove, and she died. I guess I did protect Prim, but she may as well be dead. I can't even imagine what President Snow might do to her. I think I'm lying on a medical table, similar to the one Clove was thrown on to. I am a tangled mess of tubes and hair and thin wires. A throbbing pain hammers in my head as a different, searing one, slices my stomach. I am wearing a thin blue hospital gown that barely covers me. I can hear some commotion but I don't see a door. Suddenly, a panel in the white wall opens and a man walks in.

"Hello, Katniss Everdeen. I am Justin Jones and I am your doctor. I am very happy to say that I am your doctor, you are such a brave and beautiful soul. It's truly an honor to be in your presence." Dr. Jones seems nice, and very un-Capitol like. Like Cinna. Dr. Jones is young, maybe a few years my senior, with tan skin, jet black hair and piercing green eyes.

"Hi Dr. Jones." I creak out. He smiles and presses a few buttons on a nearby machine. I know I should be asking about Gale and Levia and everything else, but curiosity takes over. "What are these things?" I ask, lightly running my fingers down some of the clear tubes, ignoring the pain in my body.

"I can't really explain all of them, but this one drains the bacteria and infections out. This one puts a liquid in you to help the scars and bruises and cuts heal. After all, you will be in front of the cameras very soon."


"Yes, since you three are the victors-although that girl hardly did anything-you'll be getting lots of attention from the media, and of course there are those interviews and the Victory Tour and all those lovely banquets. Also, you can call me Justin." Three victors? No. President Snow wouldn't have allowed it.

"So, Gale and Levia are alive?" I ask incredulously. Justin nods and adjusts a wire that is attached to my wrist. The pain in my head and stomach disappear and I sit up in relief. "Where-"

"I'm sure you're dying to know what's happened darling," Justin purrs. Wait, that is not Justin. It could only be...

"Effie!" She lights up the room with a new pink wig and outfit. Following her are my prep team, looking equally outrageous with floor length red and blue striped hair, long eyelashes with beads dangling from them and more. Peep, peep, peep.

Effie, Flavius, Octavia, and Venia all hug me and chatter away. "Katniss! You are such a hero now! Everyone loves you. People are wearing mockingjay pins everywhere! Are you excited to see Gale? Are you happy you won? Can you believe you are going to go home to your family soon? Do you want to see what your interview dress will look like? I had the most amazing facial treatment last week, we should try it on you!" Peep, peep, peep. I see Justin slip out of the room quietly, obviously overwhelmed by my prep team and escort. I laugh.

Effie is crying now, black streaks running down her face. "Oh, Katniss. I am so proud of you. Let's get you out of here."

"Where's Cinna?" I ask. It's nice, that I am being so loved but all I really want to do is talk to Cinna, and maybe Haymitch.

"Oh Katniss, he's waiting outside. He wanted to meet with you privately. To discuss your interview look, I think." Venia explains. "We'll fill you in on the details later." They leave quickly and an oh-so-familiar man walks in, with a huge smile on his face.

"Cinna," I say, not hesitating to run into his arms. He rests his head on mine and says, "Hey, girl on fire." We stay in the embrace for a long while, until I finally step back. He looks thinner and older, dark circles under his eyes and hollow cheeks.

"Sit down, Katniss. There's a lot we've got to talk about."

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