Chapter 27

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Hey! How is everyone:) Hope you like the story so far. Anyway, I am going to include one special person's point of view in this chapter, so after Katniss's POV, you'll see. By the way, I couldn't think of a chapter title so I just did it again.

Katniss POV

"Rue?" I whisper incredulously. Two chocolate brown eyes stare back at me, glazed in fear. A little finger lifts and is placed over her lips. Quieter, again, I say, "Rue?"

"Katniss, it's me. I should go before Gale wakes up. I just wanted to let you know I am alive and well, except for a few scrapes and bruises. Also a sprained ankle." She adds. My eyes widen. "But shh. I also am here to warn you that everything has changed. I am truly sorry. Goodbye Katniss."

Before I can tell her to wait, the little 12 year old vanishes just as quickly as she appeared. Now I am really confused. Why is everyone telling me they are "truly sorry for me?" First Levia and now Rue. The cold night air suddenly turns freezing, as if the Gamemakers dropped the temperature by fifty degrees in the last second. I shudder and wonder if I should ditch Gale and go after Rue or stay and keep acting like stupid lovers. My mind's made up, to stay with Gale because this stupid act may be what determines my life or death.

However, I find my feet running beneath me, my hands clutching two dolls, chasing after the young girl who reminded me so much of my dear sister Prim.

President Snow POV

"Girl on fire. Such bravery, beauty, such love. Why my whole country adores this girl, I do not know. As much as I hate to admit being puzzled, I am extremely confused about how Katniss is such a darling to Panem." I tell Seneca Crane, Head Gamemaker.

"Sir, Miss Everdeen volunteered for her fragile sister, then she made a smashing debut at the chariot parade, and an even more smashing debut at the interviews." Seneca explains slowly, cautiously, as if I could execute him instantly for saying the wrong thing. Which I could. And as much as I do want to execute him, I laugh.

"Oh, oh, oh. Mr. Seneca Crane, I understand. Just do me one favor."

"Anything sir. Anything that pleases your great name and position, sir." Seneca bows his head slightly. I do love being treated like a king.

"Disqualify her from my perfect Games. Extinguish her spreading flames. Eliminate her."


"Eliminate her." I repeat sternly. I look directly into Seneca's fearful eyes and he seems to shrink an inch. "Eliminate her, or I will eliminate you." Seneca blinks, as if he can't possibly believe what he is saying.

"Uh-of course, sir." He stutters.

"Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir. Yes." He scurries away like a timid mouse. I smile. I love my absolute power. I plan to head back to my rose garden to have a bit of peace and quiet, because even a president needs to escape the reality once in a while. Especially with all these little uprisings we've had lately.

On my way there, I spot a lady in a dark red pantsuit, running with a clipboard in her hands. "President Snow sir! President Snow sir!" She takes a gasp of air. " There has been another uprising in District 1!"

"What?!" I growl.

"Yes, when Katniss killed Glimmer, the whole district went crazy. We need more Peacekeepers, stat!" I give her the go ahead to send more Peacekeepers over. "When District 2 rebels, we will have a problem on ourhands!" Milli Grisimeta, my head advisor. She was always a sensible woman.

"...When District 2 rebels?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Oh, I mean...if..." She then scampers away just like Seneca did. Goodness, why am I scaring everyone today? I go to the rose garden to calm myself. Sometimes, and I wouldn't dare say this in front of anyone, not even my dear granddaughter Bianca, whom I named after the white rose I fancy, but sometimes I wish I could be treated as a normal human being. Not the powerful one, not the amazing one, not the evil one. But I push the thoughts away in hopes of saving Panem from destruction and eliminating Katniss, the one who is burning all my perfection up, district by district.

Okay, I am not going to do many other POV, this was just for the chapter. I may do President Snow's again, and maybe Peeta or something but it will be mostly Katniss and PRim. Hope you enjoyed! I will not be able to update for the next few days because I will not be home. I am going to Big Bear with no wifi yay:( But hopefully I will be able to update at least once this week cuz I'm on spring break yeahhhh!
LOL ok byee:)

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