Chapter 10

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Hey! This chapter will also be both Prim and Katniss's POV. Sorry the picture is bad quality, and SUPER sorry for errors haha. I don't usually have enough time to edit and I am using a keyboard and I am really bad at typing so...yeah... Enjoy! ;)

Prim POV

It is morning now, the yellow sun peeks out from the side of the frayed curtain that hangs along the yellowish window. Last night, my mother had me eat, do homework, then go straight to bed. She sensed that something was wrong, but only asked of it once. Today, I will go to school and perhaps see Peeta, who's heart was broken by my blabber mouth. Sigh. Despite my feelings, I go to school.

Hours later, Ms. Darcy finally releases us to go home. I pack up quickly then run to the bakery, wondering where Peeta was. I didn't see him at all today, and I made a point of looking for him. Mrs. Mellark opens the door welcomingly. She explains to me that Peeta is sick and cannot see anyone right now. Then she thanks me for the help yesterday and pays me an exorbitant amount of money. Did Peeta want me to have this? So that his true love could come back? I doubt Katniss will ever be with Peeta. If she wins, she will miss Gale too much. Then, I hear a moaning from the back. Mrs. Mellark hurries away, then comes back to me.

"Primrose, Peeta wants to see you."

Katniss's POV

The morning of training. I am actually excited, to see what skills and weapons will be taught at the Training Center. I have heard it is fantastic. After last night, I ran to my room and hid, and only let Levia talk to me. Oops. I mean write to me. Poor her. I wonder if she would rather die than live the rest of her life as an Avox. I sure would.

Cinna waits for me outside my room with Venia, Octavia, and Flavius, who peep peep peep at my arrival. They get to work on me, scrubbing me and brushing my hair and such. I wonder if Gale has to go through the same rigorous process I endure. Cinna dresses me into a black shirt and brown leather jacket and jeans. The jacket reminds me of my father's old hunting jacket, except that this new expensive one is stiff and reeks of, well, newness.

At breakfast, Haymitch asks us about any talents we have. Gale and I have lots of talents. I am excellent with a bow and arrows, Gale is pretty good too. We both can set good snares, but Gale's hands can set up the most intricate of snares. I think I am okay with a knife too. But both Gale and I know we can't exactly say this out loud because Effie, Cinna, Dane and the prep teams are here. And maybe they could snitch on us for hunting illegally outside of 12. Gale and I hunt everyday past the electric fence, into the dense green forest that teems with food. Fresh meat and fruit and greens, and my father taught me how to use a bow when I was maybe four or five.

"Well," Gale says slowly.
"You can tell me anything." Haymitch grunts. "If you don't tell me I cannot help you."
"Well," Gale says again. "Katniss is great with a bow and arrows. I'm alright. But my specialty is snaring things." Haymitch raises an eyebrow. Yes, it does sound a bit funny for Gale to say "my specialty is snaring things" but it's true. Gale can trap anything, whether it be human or not. Once, a long time ago, I accidentally stepped into one of his traps, and I was pulled sky high up in a tree, dangling from one ankle. Thank goodness Gale was nearby.

"Are you any decent with a knife?" Dane asks Gale.
"Oh, yes. I think I am pretty good at that. Katniss can manage a knife too." The way Gale says that tips me off a little. He made it sound like I am not worthy enough to handle a knife. It may be true, it may be the anger, but I think I am a lot better at knife throwing than Gale. To prove it, I grab the butter knife that lays on the neatly folded napkin and throw it at the wall, hard. The knife slices into the lavender wall, right on a painting. Of President Snow. Oopsy.

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