Chapter 7

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Hello readers! ;) Sorry for not updating yesterday I was really busy haha. Anyway I am so happy I am getting more and more reads! This chapter is still Katniss's POV. Poor Katniss she is getting bullied by Haymitch haha. Anyway, check out because they have really awesome stuff. I just bought these super cute rings there. Enjoy the chapter!

Katniss P.O.V.

I am angry with Haymitch's behavior. He acts like a child! And he hasn't even given me and Gale advice yet. Despite my harsh feelings toward him, I go to the dining table and strike up a conversation with Effie and Gale.

"So Effie, when are we going to meet our stylists?" I ask.
"Yeah. And when are we allowed to see the other reapings?" Gale asks. I give him a puzzled, shocked look. Why in the world would he want to see the reapings? Relive the horrors? "I mean, to, you know, see our competition and stuff." Gale says quickly.

"Oh! Oh yes!" Effie squeals. "There is the spirit! You will meet with your stylists after lunch soon to prep for the chariot ride. We'll head down to the Remake Center as soon as possible. Did you know that you tributes are not allowed to see the reapings until after the chariot ride? It is a new rule. I can't even believe it!" Effie blabbers on and on, and I am slowly spacing out.

A sharp finger jabs me. "Katniss. Katniss. Wake up!" Startled, I see Effie's long fingernail tapping my head which is on the table. Then, I spot Levia. Somehow she gives me a sense of comfort as she places a plate before me. I smile graciously, pretending not to notice Haymitch's scowl. I purposely sat as far away from him as I could. I don't need his help in the Games. Effie is more of a help than him.

The meal is quiet, with the occasional word from Effie. Gale and I are both so alike, so hostile and sullen, we barely do anything but eat. Finally, the meal is over but I am dreading the Remake Center. Capitol people scare me, and I have seen stylists on T.V. They are all squealy and phony and probably spent millions of dollars on plastic surgery or something.

Effie tells us to get ready to leave and she saunters out the door. Gale pats my head and leaves. It is only me and Haymitch, Haymitch and me. I try to leave inconspicuously but Haymitch grasps my wrist.

"Let go!" I say sharply. Haymitch looks a little hurt, and usually I would apologize but after our little incident I just glare.

"Katniss. Please. I am sorry for the way I behaved earlier." He pleads.
"Haymitch, you're drunk. Talk to me later." I say dismissively. I try to act arrogant and that I am totally above him, but something inside me softens and submits to him.

"Look, girl. I apologize, and I will help you. I won the 50th Hunger Games after all didn't I? Accept my apology and I will get you out alive."

"Thank you for the offer Haymitch. I will think about it. But what about Gale?"

"Oh. Well, you have a choice then, Ms. Everdeen. I can help both of you, but do you want to come out alive and well or the boy? Your choice. Let me know when you have thought it over." He walks off, then pauses. "Oh, and because I know you want me as a mentor, my first thing is that let your stylist do what they want. Do not object. Effie and I personally asked for a certain stylist last night. Have fun."

Sigh. Haymitch and I just don't get along. But I am sure Haymitch knows the stylists are total fools, right? I hurry to the elevator, which is where Effie is supposed to tak us to the Remake Center. Gale is waiting there, looking very tall and strong.

"Hey, Catnip. You nervous?" He says.
"Hi Gale. To be honest, yes. The stylists are freaky, and for the chariots we'll probably be dressed up in a coal miner's outfut. Yay." I spill. But secretly, I can't help thinking about how Haymitch picked a stylist just for me. I wonder how much trouble he went through for that. I guess deep down inside he has a heart.

"Oh! Wonderful!" Effie pops out of nowhere, scaring both Gale and I. "Let's go!"
We ride down the elevator which is really intriguing, actually. When we arrive, there is a wide blue room filled with Capitol attendants or stylists, whatever, and tributes. I haven't seen the tributes before since we are not allowed to see the reapings, so it is kind of scary. There are boys and girls who are twice the size of me. Good thing Gale is really tall. Effie leads us to our rooms before I can see most of the tributes, but it's a good thing so they won't see how afraid I am.

Gale is led away from me and I wait in a cold, green room for my stylist and prep team. The door swings open and three Capitol citizens, all equally horrifying, skip in.

"Hellooooo!!!" A petite yet plump woman greets excitedly. Her hair is dyed a jet black with pink polka dots dyed into it. "I'm Octavia!!!" Octavia is so loud and peppy it is all I can do to not plug my ears. "And this is Venia and Flavius!"
Venia is older, with spiky silver hair and sparkly green tattoos climbing like vines all over her face. Lastly, Flavius, the scariest and most clown-ish of them all, kisses my hand, his bright orange curls bobbing around. His skin is pale white and he has orange stripes up and down his arm to match his hair. He has purple lipstick smothered all over his huge lips. They all chatter away, preparing me for my stylist.

"Uh, may I ask what you are going to do to me?" I ask tentatively.
Flavius shrieks "Of course! We'll wash you then wax you and cut your hair, because-girls!" He summons Venia and Octavia to inspect my brown locks. "Your hair is just so dead and disgusting!" He peeps. Peep, peep, peep. I giggle at the thought of my prep team peeping around with little feathery baby chick bodies.

Right away, I am washed and waxed and my hair is cut. I sting so badly tears form in my eyes. Apparently I am a very hairy and dirty person. My nails are filed and painted, my body moisturized in a lemony smelling lotion. Finally, finally they announce that they are finished.

"Katniss, you shoud be presentable for Cinna!" Venia explains.
"Cinna..?" That doesn't sound very nice. I will probably get the worst freak here.
"Oh, yes. Cinna is new, but is one of the best stylists!" Hm. Was Haymitch telling the truth when he said I got a good stylist? Perhaps.

My prep team peeps around more when a tall, slim man walks in. Is he my stylist? Surely not. He looks too...normal... The man wears pants like the ones I wore before. Jeans. He looks free of makeup of any kind, no surgery, he looks like he could have come from the nicer part of District 12. The only makeup on him is a thin stripe of gold eyeliner on each eye.

"Hello, Katniss Everdeen. I am Cinna, your stylist." The man says.
I am shocked and my mouth hangs open. "You... YOU are my stylist?" Cinna nods.

"Shall we get to work?" He suggests. He bids goodbye to Octavia, Flavius and Venia. They leave sadly. "Katniss, I know this must seem horrendous to you, all of it. But I want to let you know I am here for you, I will help you make an impression, and you don't have to like me, or any of us, but I am your stylist and I will not make you look stupid."

Hey! I am so sorry but I won't be able to update tomorrow. My aunt and uncle are taking my sister and I somewhere. I will try to update on Monday, but I don't know. So sorry! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for reading!!!<3

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