Chapter 55

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Prims POV
I was extremely baffled. Was Haymitch my uncle? Who was Gregory? Who was Maysilee? What's gonna happen to Peeta? I begin to walk back to the dining room, when a voice stops me.

"Primrose, I know you're there." I slowly turn my head around, and I face a glaring mother and an expressionless Haymitch. Or uncle. I don't know...

"I-I wasn't eavesdropping, I didn't hear anything...I was just-just going to the bathroom..." I stutter.
"Really?" My mother says sarcastically. "Isn't the bathroom over there?" She points to the other side of the house.

"That's what I thought. Now come here so we can explain everything." Haymitch orders. I eagerly walk over and sit myself down on the sofa, next to Haymitch.

They both sigh simultaneously. "Okay, what is going on?" I ask. My mother raises her hand, as if she is a young child getting disciplined by the teacher.

"I'll explain. Haymitch is you're uncle. He's my brother. We grew up together, with our younger brother Gregory, and our older sister Delia. Um, we were very close. Especially Delia and I. We had two best friends, they were twins, Maysilee and Martha." Haymitch winces when he hears "Maysilee". "Anyway, it was the 50th Hunger Games and Delia hadn't been chosen yet, thank god. But Haymitch was chosen, you know that. So was Maysilee, my best friend. Gregory, Delia, Martha and I were greatly saddened, that two people close to us were going into the Games with twice as many people. We didn't think any of them would make it. Also, Haymitch and Maysilee were sort love..."

I can't imagine Haymitch loving anyone. He was just that kind of person that never married and drank all night. "When they were reaped, Haymitch vowed to protect Maysilee. Which didn't work, because Haymitch is here and Maysilee is-"

"Gone." Haymitch cuts in, menacingly almost. My mother makes a noise that is part choke and cough. "So I won the Games and Maysilee died." He says tiredly. "Snow didn't like the way I played in the Games, much like your sister, so he killed our mother and Gregory. Our father died in a mine accident. Your mother went into hiding and we pretended we weren't siblings, in order to save our lives. It's almost a good thing Katniss was in the Games, because your mom and I hadn't spoken in nearly twenty-five years. Delia wasn't so lucky. She was in love with a man, and they ran off into the woods together. They were caught and killed by the Capitol. By then, I tried to move on and find a new girl. I was young then, and was encouraged to find a lover, you see, to put in lightly. I was fifteen when I won the Games. When I was older, maybe twenty or so, I met a woman. She was no Maysilee Donner but she would have to do. We married and had a child, you're cousin Levia. Snow found out and put my wife into the Games where she was promptly killed. I couldn't care for Levia, so that's why she stayed with your family. Complicated, I know. Then she ran away one day and was assumed dead. I couldn't attend the funeral of course. Then apparently she was picked up by the Capitol and turned into an Avox. But that's the story. Your mom andI lost everything, Prim."

There are those moments when you're speechless, because the story that's being told is so incredibly unbelievable and real at the same time. This is one of those moments. Then little pieces come rushing to me. I remember my little talk with Madge, when I was gathering money for Katniss. Then I remember when Peeta said, "Levia Abernathy?" And my mother had told us it was Levia Daymont. I am even more puzzled than I was before, but I know that Haymitch is indeed my uncle.

"Oh, and now that Katniss, herself is in trouble, we can't let anyone know about this secret okay? Haymitch and Katniss both are on Snow's 'Wanted' list at the moment. With everything going on in the Districts, I can't let Katniss know, or anyone. IT'll make everything worse." My mother states. I nod, and she smiles at me reassuringly.

"Now go. Don't ruin Katniss and Peeta's time together." Haymitch sighs, flicking his hand. I roll my eyes and go back out.

-Haymitch is Prim and Katniss's uncle
-Levia is their cousin
-Haymitch was in love with Maysilee and still isn't over her (even though shes dead...)
-Prim can't tell anyone the secret
-something bad might happen to peeta or else

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