|Chapter 154 : Duels|

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"Oh damn" I muttered, after hiding my snort of laughter as Pansy laughed quietly from behind us and I looked at her with a grin as Snape walked back to the projector, starting to talk as I blocked him out

"Comes from the Anglo Saxon word for-"

"Hey, can you fold this for me?" Draco asked quietly as I turned and he passed me a piece of parchment while I tried to conceal my laughter at the drawing of Harry on a broomstick during tomorrow's quidditch game as it showed him getting hit by lightening as I nodded and started to fold it to the shape of a swan as I passed him it back a few minutes later. I watched as he held it in his palms and gently blew it, making it flutter over to Harry as I leaned forward and watched as he caught it and unfolded it, staring at the picture while Draco raised his eyebrows with a smirk creeping onto his face as I grinned before sitting back down

"There are several ways to become a werewolf. The-" the door opening loudly again we all turned around as I raised an eyebrow at McGonagall who was standing there

"Severus, a word, if you will" she nodded to him as he nodded back and I laughed slightly before watching him leave, shutting the door behind him as the room instantly filled with noise

"Don't you think the sling is a bit much?" I asked amused Draco, nodding to the fabric that held his arm up as he shrugged

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. You'll never know"

"But I do know"

"If you know then why ask?" He asked as I fell quiet before we both started laughing

"Stop flirting with, Malfoy, Amelia"

"I'm not flirting, Holly" I told her with slight annoyance after turning my head towards her as she raised an eyebrow at me and the room fell quiet

"Of course you're not"

"Oh why don't you stuff your head back up your arse and go back to daydreaming about fucking your boyfriend in a broom closet" I shot at her as a couple of snorts could be heard while she turned red and got flustered slightly, stumbling over her words before she finally retorted

"Yeah, well, at least I have a boyfriend"

"The only reason I don't have a boyfriend is because I'm not a cheap ass whore like you" I shot at her with a sweet smile as she rose to her feet and laughter echoed around the room as I quickly grabbed the ink bottle on the table

"Amelia, be quiet" Draco murmured quietly from beside me as I turned to him with a smirk

"Dear lord no, this is hilarious- I want to see how far she'll go" I told him with a growing smirk while he tried to disguise the amused look as I turned back to her just as she took her wand from her cloak pocket and got ready to point it at me as I raised my hand and threw the ink jar at her, watching as the bottle smashed and my jaw dropped before it morphed into a grin of disbelief as loud laughter sounded around the room, only from a couple of the Gryffindors while the rest came from the Slytherins and I stood up, facing her laughing as she stared down at the ink that was staining her shirt as she shouted out annoyed and more laughter got the better of me

"Look! Her inner cow is finally showing!"

"Amelia you bastard!" She shouted as she flicked her wand

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