|Chapter 151 : No Way Out|

Start from the beginning

"She is?!"

"Yeah, she wants her whole timetable changed"

"Oh god, I hope she does get moved to this class-" getting cut off, the classroom door burst open as Nadia pounced in, having transformed into her animagus form, a black panther, as everybody jumped at the sight of her, moving away when she started growling. Moving back to the front of the room she transformed back as she started laughing hysterically while I rolled my eyes at her before turning back to the others

"You lot were bloody shitting yourself! Man that was great- right get back to your seats the lot of you, I don't bite"

"That's debatable"

"No fucking shit Holly. She is an animal-"

"You got me there. Listen to me now and listen good. I'm trusting you guys with this because you genuinely seem like a good lot but if word gets out: I'm dead"

"You're not registered are you?"

"I don't have to answer that"

"No shit, Granger. If word did get out she wouldn't be dead otherwise, would she?" I muttered as Pansy started laughing quietly, leaning against me with a grin

"Wait, so she's not registered?"

"Nope. I could always use that against her-"

"You know, we don't actually have to do anything this lesson if you don't want to, you can just relax if you want, catch up on other class work or finish homework. I'm not bothered" Nadia shrugged as she started spinning on the chair and I stared at her, shaking my head with an unimpressed look as I turned back around to them as Pansy instantly looked at me

"So what're you going to do about the contract?"


"The contract? What contract?"

"What's happening?"

"Well done, Pansy. I hadn't got 'round to telling them yet"


"Telling us what?"

"Can you please expand on what you mean by this 'contract'?"

"Do you think you'll sign it?" She asked as I glared at her, shutting her up after having seen Holly start to walk over from where she was sitting as I flashed Pansy another warning look while she offered a nod

"Hey, Amelia, can I go play Quidditch?"

"What did Nadia say?"

"She said no"

"Then what are you asking me for?"

"She's not the boss of you" she shrugged as I stared at her, glancing away for a split moment as I looked back, a singular thought running circles in my head

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