|Chapter 144 : Buckbeak|

Start from the beginning

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm okay-"


"Yeah. Thank you"

"Stroke the spine next time" I advised him with a light laugh as a small smile grew and I turned, going back over to Pansy as I stood between her and Crabbe

"Why were you-?"


"I think they're funny-"

"Oh yeah! Terribly funny! Really witty! God this place has gone to the dogs, wait until my father hears that Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes" Draco said loudly over to Hermione as I smiled slightly, he, Crabbe and Goyle laughing while Harry turned towards where we were

"Shut up, Malfoy" he told him while starting to walk over as a smirk grew on my face, and I looked at Draco amused

"Ooooooo" we all went together, laughing as Draco dropped his bag onto Crabbe and wandered over, a highly amused look on his face as I leant towards Pansy, lowering my voice as we kept our eyes on the two who were face to face

"Why did we sound like owls?"

"Because we're dumb"

"Fair, I suppose-"

"Dementor! Dementor!" Draco shouted, pointing over Harry's shoulder as I joined in with the laughter, hitching my hood up as I raised my arms, smirking as we all started moving our fingers

"Ooooooo" watching him get pulled away I continued laughing as Ron glared in my direction and I rolled my eyes, grinning before leaning over to Draco as he done the same

"I must say, that was one of your better ones" I told him with grin as a smirk stayed on his face and I moved back, Pansy stabbing at my arm as I slipped my robe off


"Why've you got your blazer on again?"

"Because it's so fucking comfy-"

"Isn't he beautiful? Say hello to buckbeak!" Turning my head my smile started dropping as my eyebrows raised slightly and I stared in awe



"My god...."

"What in the name of Merlin is that-?"

"That's a hippogriff.... easily offended.... proud..... Pansy he's fucking stunning-" I breathed quietly, slipping off of the stone I was sitting on as I continued to stare amazed

"It looks like a plucked chicken-"

"You look like a plucked chicken!" I shot at her as I turned to her and she held her hands up, eyes having widened as she started laughing while I turned back to Buckbeak

"Now! Who'd like to come and say hello?-"

"Fucking move!" I hissed as I started walking forward, people having stepped back as I tried to push through them

"Well done Harry! Well done!"

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I asked annoyed as Harry turned around, everyone having stepped back as I glared at him, watching him turn away from me as I gritted my teeth

"Watch where you're going next time, Black. You about pushed me over-"

"If I wanted to shove you to the ground, Weasley... I would've" I spat at him as I turned and glared at him, my hand getting grabbed as I was hauled away

"Don't bother-"

"-as crazy as her father-"

"What?!" I asked loudly, having only heard a snippet of what he had said as I shook Holly's hand off, staring at him with a balled fist as he stood directly in front of me, staring at me

"You heard me-"

"Amelia, no!" Holly shouted after I had drew my arm back, bringing it forward as I punched him straight in the gut as his legs buckled and he sank to his knees, gripping at himself tightly as I was grabbed and hauled back before I could kick him

"Get your hands fucking off of me" I muttered as I pushed Pansy's hands off and walked away, shaking my hand slightly as I walked past the others

"Why're you following me, Pansy?" I asked after having stopped as I turned to her

"What was that about?"

"What do you think-?"

"Not the words that were said. What was that about with you punching him? Why would you willingly touch something as disgusting as him?" She asked as I started laughing, looking at her as she grinned at me and I was pulled into a hug

"That was an amazing fucking punch though. Definitely left a bruise"

"I hope so"

"He deserved it"

"You don't even know what he said"

"Considering your sister tried to drag you back, it must've been something really fucking shitty"

"How'd you get there so quickly?"

"I pretty much shoved Nott to the ground-"

"What? Why? How?"

"Simple, I barged past him and he stumbled. He was trying to get to you but I got there first"

"He was?" I asked quietly as she stepped back and grinned at me

"Yeah..... he's in love with you" she told me, dragging the letters out with a laugh as I smiled slightly and she linked her arm with mine as we started walking back

"He's been asking me when you've got quidditch training"


"Because he obviously wants to go down and watch you train.... spend time with you..."

"I mean, apparently.... the first Slytherin match is in like, three weeks. And I have training tonight"

"I can tell him that"

"Are you actually going to-?"

"Of course- what the hell is happening here?" Looking at where we had arrived again, I looked about, Draco gone and Hagrid distantly walking off as I looked about

"Theodore? What happened?"

"He got attacked by the hippogriff. He had called it an ugly brute"

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