Chapter 47

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I wake up the next morning, and rush to my closet to get dressed. Where are my clothes? There's a white shirt and pants. I put them on. Must be testing clothes. I head downstairs, after the door unlocks, into the computer room. Ava stands near the door, and I walk up to her. "What's the plan?"

"Head to level twenty four. I will accompany you momentarily. The room looks just like yours, you will know what to do."

I leave the room, and head to level twenty four. She was right. Same observation room. I walk into the white room, and take a seat on the floor. I wait for maybe five minutes, before Ava enters. "Good morning. Ready for testing?"

"What is this for?"

"You will soon know. For now, you must sleep."

I give her a glare, then lie down on the cold floor as she leaves. I lie flat on my back, and watch the purple fog make its way down to my body. I breath it in. I feel my whole body go numb, and my eyelids become heavier and heavier. I sleep.

And I dream.

I'm wearing a lab WICKED. I work here now. I look out the window that's before me. Grass. Lots of it. It's beautiful. There are houses, too, in the distance. The Flare is gone. People are happy, all because of me. Because I did what Ava told me.

I hear a noise. I turn around to see what it is. Water is filling the room. My heart beats faster and faster with every inch that the water rises. I spin around, searching for a way out. No doors. The window. I turn back to the window I once faced. It's gone. The water is to my neck. How did it get here so fast!? The room becomes smaller. I take in one last breath as the water rises past my face. I hold it for as long as I can before my body gives out. I breath in, and the water fills my lungs.

My body forces me to cough, thrusting more water down my throat. It feels as if my lungs are about to burst. I flail my arms under the water in hopes to touch air. Nothing. The room is completely full.

I close my eyes shut, and breath in more in order to make my death quicker. Why won't I die!? I try to breath in more, but my lungs are full. I feel them erupt inside me. I try to cry out, but I can't. Then I die.

I wake up.

I jump to my feet as I look around. I wait for what's to come next. The door slides open.

"Well done, McKenzie." Its Ava. Babara and Joshua stand close behind her. "We have proposed a faster cure. One that will take only hours to work. Are you interested?"

I see Joshua purse his lips, and his chin quivers. He closes his eyes and squeezes, then reopens them. Is he about to cry. "I already have the cure."

"No, I think you misunderstood me. Are you interested in helping."

"Yes, of course I am."

"And the costs?"

"Whatever it takes."

I look back at Joshua, who runs his fingers through his hair. Barbara stares at her feet, and crosses her arms tight to her chest. I feel my heart beat faster.


"Wait, what- what are the costs?"

"The results are most likely fatal, but it will result in the cure. I am sure of it. We will give you time to say your goodbyes, of course."

"What? Why dose it take death?"

"The process is painful, and slightly toxic. Chances of survival are low, but I am glad for your cooperation. You will not be forgotten."

I hate the calm tone in her voice. She turns to leave, but I stop her. "Wait! Are you going to give me anymore information?"

"Everyone will be told everything at the meeting I have planned. I will announce it at lunch. Good day, McKenzie."

She leaves the room, and Barbara follows. Joshua stands, staring at me. He shakes his head, then proceeds to follow the other two out.

And I'm alone.

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